RoadHog Full Boar 3.2.1 Crashing

I have a RoadHog Full Boar, running v3.2.1, and a playback wing.
The console has been crashing when merging fixtures from the uncommon fixture library. It does the merge, but then flicks to the flying pig logo (as on startup) and we have no control at all.
Only option is a hard reset.

Also, I've been having problems loosing control of the playback wing. Only option has been to disconnect and reconnect. (not great during the show)

I have had a look around, but I've not seen these issues in any other threads; does anyone else have any experience of these problems?
Right now I'm still not really sure whether this is an issue with the software, or the console.

If anyone is able to shed any light on what might be going on, I would be very interested.
  • Hi Tim,

    Sorry to hear of the troubles. Is the crashing happening with all of your show files or just one particular show file? After restarting the console did the merge actually succeed? One thing to do in the case of this crash is hold pig+open+backspace and right click and restart the desktop process.

    The wing issue is concerning. Do you have any other USB devices plugged in? Using a USB hub of any kind? Is it the Hog3 model Playback wing or the new wing with the touchscreen built in?

    Sorry we always have so many troubleshooting questions right off the bat but knowing the variables should help us to get you a faster solution to the issues at hand.
  • Hey Chris,

    We are on tour, so have only really been trying this with one show file. The file was created from new about 2 weeks ago. However at the start of the tour, we were not carrying production. The show was originally created on an IPC, moved over to a HOGIII, then to a RoadHog FullBoar, before ending up on the RH FB we are carrying. (all running 3.2.x)
    Because of the variety of consoles, we have tried creating a brand new show and merging the original show file into it. This did not solve the problem, and when we tried an uncommon fixture merge, it still crashed.

    We have tried the uncommon fixture merge 3 times. Once it worked without issue. The other 2 times the console crashed and we did a hard reset (were not aware of pig+open+backspace - thanks for that). When the console had restarted, the merge had completed successfully.

    We have a generic USB stick, a USB keyboard, and the HOGIII style playback wing connected to the console. No hub / external touch screens / other wings / anything external. When it was crashing (repeatedly) we tried connecting it to alternative USB outlets but this did not solve the problem.

    We have not experienced the USB issue since merging into a new show (so far)

    If you need any more info let me know.
    Thanks for your help so far.
  • Console crashed again during tonight's show. Lost the whole control surface.
    Pig/open/backspace caused us to loose the left touchscreen. right touchscreen still showed task manager.

    Had to do hard reset once again.

    Any suggestions of what may be causing this would be appreciated.

  • Tim

    You seem to be talking about three different things

    1. Crash while merging
    2. Crash while playback your show
    3. Playback wing disconnects during a show

    Please send me your show file. Please use the following to upload it

    Upload it to my email

    Can you also upload the dump files (setup-shows-file broswer-logs)
    Make sure they are from your latest crash, then delete all the files so if this occurs again we can make sure to get a current dump file.

    Problem #1:
    What fixtures are you merging in?
    Are you merging in just one fixture at a time or many fixtures?

    Problem #2:
    Can you provide me with a step by step on how to crash the desk while you are in playback?
    What page are you on when the crash occurs?
    Are you just in playback or are you updating a cue?

    Does the wing have external power?
    How long does it stay connected, 10 minutes an hour?
    Do you have another wing to try as it may be a hardware failure?