Hog 3 and Wysiwyg connectivity questions

A few questions that if answered might help with my current insanity from trying every combination of getting wysiwyg and hog 3 to talk.

1. Can you run the visualiser (wysiwyg) and hog 3 pc on same computer?

2. my current setup:
xp servicepack 3
wysiwyg version 23,
I've installed hog 3 pc (current version)
I've installed hog 3 connectivity driver.
Is this all correct or are there compatibility issues?

3.Is there a preferred order of software setup?
I have been opening wysiwyg which triggers virtual dp / connectivity driver
( set to port 6600, user number 1 )
My show has 9 vl2500's patched,
the device in the device manager is hog3 dp
the universe is bound to universe A,

4. Is there something in dp8000 patch or dmx setup or ip of desk or port settings that i need to worry about

At the moment The Wholehog III DP window always says Locating Wholehog III Net-work but never locates it, wysiwyg will not connect either

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

P.s. i have read everything in forums and wysiwyg and high end manuals i could get my hands on and couldnt figure it out
  • Be sure to have your show patched on the hog. Otherwise it won't put out a signal. Also some times I've found I need to press connect twice in WYSIWYG in order for it to work properly.

    Im using r22 of wyg, and 3.1.5(I think) of hog.

  • Thanks Kurtis, here are answers from wysiwyg themselves:

    A few questions that if answered might help with my current insanity from trying every combination of getting wysiwyg and hog 3 to talk.

    1. Can you run the visualiser (wysiwyg) and hog 3 pc on same computer?
    Dany Tancou: Unfortunately, no. The ehternet loopback adapter that HighEnd provides is not compatible for this connection. As such, Hog 3PC and WYSIWYG must run on separate computers. If either (or both) computers have multiple network adapters (for example, wired and wireless), I strongly recommend disabling the adapter(s) that will not be used for the connection itself. The connectivity driver still uses an old version of the WYSIWYG SDK, and most of the time it cannot tell different network connections apart so it tries to use all of them at once, which of course fails.

    2. my current setup:
    xp servicepack 3
    wysiwyg version 23,
    I've installed hog 3 pc (current version)
    I've installed hog 3 connectivity driver.
    Is this all correct or are there compatibility issues?
    Dany Tancou: It is all correct and there should be no compatibility issues whatsoever, assuming that you are using the latest system software for the console and the latest connectivity driver (currently 3.1.5 for both), all available from the Flying Pig support website, www.flyingpig.com/support/hog3/downloads/, via the "Hog 3PC Current Release Software" and "Visualizer Connectivity" links.

    3.Is there a preferred order of software setup?
    I have been opening wysiwyg which triggers virtual dp / connectivity driver
    ( set to port 6600, user number 1 )
    My show has 9 vl2500's patched,
    the device in the device manager is hog3 dp
    the universe is bound to universe A,
    Dany Tancou: Yes: on the console, you must have a showfile loaded even before you start WYSIWYG. In WYSIWYG's Device Manager, in the console's properties, you must enter the virtual DP user number (in your case 1) into the Address field.

    4. Is there something in dp8000 patch
    Dany Tancou: No.

    or dmx setup
    [Dany Tancou] No.

    or ip of desk
    Dany Tancou: Yes: the two computers (or the cosole and the WYSIWYG computer) must be in the same subnet. For example, if your computer's IP address is and its Subnet Mask is, your console's IP address should have the same first three numbers (i.e. 192.168.1), the last number should be different (in this case any number between 2 and 253 will work) and its Subnet Mask should also be

    or port settings that i need to worry about
    Dany Tancou Yes: ideally, the Windows Firewall and/or any other software firewall that may be running on (either) computer should be disabled. You may also be able to create a firewall exception for port 6600, but my understanding from users is that doesn't always work for some reason.

    At the moment The Wholehog III DP window always says Locating Wholehog III Net-work but never locates it, wysiwyg will not connect either
  • Hmm. I find there answer about the same computer odd. I have been running on the same computer for about two and a half years. Also I do believe the loopback driver had been removed in an update last year??. Although I can't confirm that right now. Shouldn't they know that?!....
  • i'm pretty sure i used to be able to run it with my older version or wysiwyg and older version of hog 3, which required the loopback adapter to work, it definitely worked on hog 2, i really don't want to lug a second computer around on tour, i just want to capture looks with auto focus, quick and easy and get some design work on 2 new shows off the ground,
    Though this was a reply from Dany Tancou in wysiwyg.... ?????
  • Mick,

    You can run both on the same PC.

    Off the top of my head...

    Load WYG.
    Do you see the connectivity screen open?
    Is it set for the same settings as HOG?
    (6600 and 1 probably)

    Load HOG
    Load Show

    In WYG...
    Assuming you have your fixtures assigned to universes and channels correctly...
    (we'll assume that for now)
    Go LIVE.
    Select Device Manager
    Select the correct Device
    I believe it is MANUFACTURER --> Flying Pig Systems --> DP???

    Bind your universes first!
    Then connect.

    (I can re-check this when I'm back at the office, or by then someone will catch what I missed)
  • As has been stated, I run WYG and Hog3PC on the same computer regularly. I'm on R24.
  • Here also Wyg and Hog3PC on the same comp runs fine (XP x64),
    but with Vista 32-bit Ultimate I have issues...it just doesn't work.

    Easiest way working with console and computer is to make console as a DHCP server.
    Only problems I have had with console->computer connections is when computer has two network adapters...
    Does anyone have any tips how to make it work? I have to disable the other one.
  • Hi Mick,
    just as an option try these few things.
    In wyg create a new new universe called
    1 rather than A and bind that to output
    1 of your DP,patch your rig,close wyg and reopen.
    I know you have said you have the latest
    connectivity driver but might be worth uninstalling
    and reinstalling once more.
    Does your version of wyg give you the option of a DP8000
    or DP2000?
    I have not used it for a while...

    Best Cormac
    Good luck C
  • Thanks Cormac,
    Still no Joy, have installed paralells as someone mentioned that their hog 3 and wysiwyg work fine on paralells but not bootcamp.... am still no further. The virtual dp or connectivity driver searches on port 6600 but never sees the hog 3. I even installed hog2 pc today for a play around and it works fine but no go with hog 3, i couldnt remove connectivity driver as its not in add/remove programs, tried to re-install hoping for a repair / replace window...still no joy.... am going to try re installing hog 3 pc from scratch then wysiwyg from scratch. Cast didn't believe that you could run wysiwyg on the same machine as hog 3, yet everyone else thta has replied to this has been successful.... so much so that they don't remember the original process too well...... i guess i'll try again....any other brainstorming out there would be a great help as this is wrecking my head
  • Mick,

    When I get in the office tomorrow, I'll do through everything I have done and see if I can document what might be missing to get it up and running.

  • Hi Mick

    Had a similar issue a while back when updating either a newer software release for Hog III PC or Wyg ( Sorry. Can't remember which of the two it was ). My fix was to create my own loopback adaptor. Instructions for this are here ( for windows XP )support.microsoft.com/kb/839013 .

    Once I did that I was able to run Wyg & HogIIIPC on the same laptop computer, once again.

    Hope it works for ya.
  • Hi Matthew,
    I think the loopback was needed in earlier versions of wyg / hog but there is a virtual dp now, i tried installing the loopback but the hog refused to work within the ip range of the loopback adaptor and gave an error to say as much that the ip range of the hog could not be within the range of the loopback.
    I've tried de installing and re installing every component including virtual dp, hog 3 and wys, i've even added paraleels to see if that'd make a change still no joy, please find screen captures of all relevant setting attached am i doing something very wrong or stupid? Also i dont have the ability of using the internal ethernet adaptor of the mac, even though its using this address for the hog and this is the same address set in the ethernet adaptor. See pics attached
  • hey Mick

    Looked through your pictures. You've got 2 different IP addys going on here.
    in your prefrences you've got:
    In the network you've got:

    that would likely be the cause of your problems. Are you setting a static IP or using DHCP from a router?

  • Hi Kurtis,
    Yeah i did try that see screen cap attached with all addresses the same, still no joy unfortunately, on the wys end its not even trying to get beyone locating hog network