Totally Dumb question

I am totally new to Hog PC.

I am using Hog 2 PC and I want to assign my Par Cans to My fader 8. I have read through the manual and I have to be missing it. If someone helps me I'd hook them up with a steak dinner.

So how do you assign the intensity of the Par Cans to an fader?

You guys rock, Thanks a ton
  • Assuming you have them patched as a desk channel to the correct dimmer...

    Bring them in the programmer at full (# FULL).
    Press the CHOOSE button above fader 8
    Press RECORD and then ENTER (you now have cue 1 on fader 8)

    Hold Choose over fader 8 and on the right monitor select Use HTP.
    Press Cuelist on the top of the left monitor
    Options in the upper left
    Under Properties select Use HTP

    Now adjust the fader for level.

    Jeff, so I just realized that your post says Hog 2, and the post is in Hog 3.

    If it is Hog 2 then it is basiclly the same, but you can't do the Hold Choose to select Use HTP.