Un-Park Bug Still Around

I thought that bug disappeared once and for all, but it seems to have reappeared. This time, I was using an iPC, loaded with the newest XPE image and 3.1.3. One external ELO touch screen, and 1 mini playback wing. New show file using 3.1.3's library, and no custom fixtures. Parked a number of desk channels (20 to 24 at various levels) and 1 Mac 250 Krypton Basic with some values. Programmed, ran the show and went to unpark the desk channels (Open + Parked) and immediately iPC crashed out of Hog PC and just hung at the windows desktop.

I had this happen for the longest time with a single desk channel on my Hog III, but seemed to go away with 3.1.1/3.1.2. Haven't seen it since on my H3. Setup on H3 is 2 external touches, 2 mini playback wings, 1 PS/2 Keyboard, 1DP2k, 1 Dell Switch (Non Managed)