Effect:White Chase from a color

I am using a Roadhog Full Boar and am someone who has used hog III software for a while, but don't have to program terribly often.

I am trying to create an effect. I am using a small variety of fixtures, Mac 700 profiles and washes, mac 301 led, parlite led and I want this effect to be able to be applied to all of them. Or all but the parlites.

I want to be able to have the fixtures in a color from my pallet or from a cue stack currently active. Then apply a white chase that I can offset in the effect to create a random white flicker and back to the color.

How do I do this?

  • Hue: the colour's position in the possible range of colours, from red,going through yellow, green, cyan, blue and magenta, and finally returning to red. As the range ‘wraps around’, you can visualise it as a circle with the colours positioned around the edge, with red at the top, green at the lower right, blue at the lower left, and the intermediate colours in between. The angle between 0 and 360 degrees specifies the hue of the colour: red has a hue of 0 degrees, yellow has a hue of 60 degrees,and cyan has a hue of 180 degrees. (“The Colour Wheel”.)
    Saturation: how ‘strong’ or ‘pale’ the colour is. Pale colours have low saturations, while strong colours have high saturations. Saturation is specified as a percentage between 0% (white) and 100% (the strongest possible saturation).
    Remember this after-White chase eff and white flicker;
    Choose the main color(red,green,blue,mag...etc) hue wheel parameter(0-360deg) and sellect effect engine with Saturation channel right click or set ..sellect effect type (sine,tangent,mark on-of,step...) after fan+offset also try effect lenght ...

    Record, Effect directory;
    - Select Mask from the Record Options Toolbar, and select the parameter types that you wish to record: Use I for intensity, Use P for position, Use C for colour, Use B for beam, and Use T for time values and more buton press the Record Options Toolbar will appear on the bottom of the right-hand touch screen. Select More, then global...If all the fixtures to be recorded have exactly the same parameter values,then the palette is recorded as Global.(sorry I know a little English)
