Maintenance P+G Faders

Is there a way to make the P+G Faders smooth?

The most Faders are just fine, but I have 5 faders, over +/- 10 consoles how are not running smoothly.

Inside the P+G Faders there is a metal bar, do this need oil, or just dry?
  • Dale Manquen is the authority on all things P+G.

    The faders in the HogIII, iPC, RH and RHFB are a custom fader, but most of the instructions for cleaning conductive plastic faders still apply. The faders can be disassembled (carefully), cleaned, and reassembled.

    A careful inspection will usually reveal the source of the problem. Foreign objects and grime are easy to remove. If the conductive plastic element has been badly scratched or pitted, your only option may be to replace the fader.

    Of course, it's too late now, but using the dust cover when the console is not in use really does help with fader life.