Problem with goboscroll speed on IPCB

i want to do an ipcb crossfader for the goboscroll speed.
for example:

i´ve got two lists.
one contains the gobos recorded in slots. this one is set to persist on overwrite.
the other one contains a cue with goboscroll speed recorded at 299rpm (cause 300rpm palettes are known for problems). the list is set to ipcb on a fader.
the first list puts out the value for the actual gobo in the show. when i pull up the ipcb fader the scroll starts and i can control the speed up and down. no problems with that.
until full is reached. once the cue takes place fully crossfaded there is no posibility to slow it down with a fade. it doesn´t release in percentage and you have to pull the fader down to zero to do a complete release.

in this way i normally do gobo rotation faders and it works fine.

is there something wrong in my programming or is this caused by the diffrence between slot and scroll dmx-values.

is there a workaround for this problem?
