Invert, and swap values

It could be useful to have an option to invert and swap Pan and tilt values (in Libs, cues ...) when swap or invert are selected in fixture windows.

for example:
Normal: pan = 6° and Tilt -87°
Swap: pan = -87° and tilt =6°
Invert Pan: pan = -6° and Tilt -87°
Invert Pan: tilt = 6° and Tilt 87°

  • This is already possible.

    If you want to Swap all values in a show simply use either Pan or Tilt invert from the Fixture Spreadsheet (Patch).

    If you only want to invert a few places hold the - (minus) and turn the encoder to invert the value.

    Alternately you could edit the values directly in the spreadsheet cells and simply apply a minus to the front of the value.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • You Can swap parameters but not values, if you select swap axes values from the pan will not be played by the tilt.
    I'm Ok with the minius option, but with 260 fixtures, 45 palettes and 30 cuelist we could have a quicker way to adapt the show.

    Hope this is more clear. :-)
  • yeah...don't use the Swap Axes in Patch....use the Pan Invert or Tilt Invert as needed.

    As a rule I always create my shows with ALL fixtures following the console trackball. IE trackball UP moves fixtures upstage....DOWN moves them dowstage....LEFT moves them Stage Right when pointed slightly downstage....etc.

    This way if you change types, etc....all you have to do is make sure the fixtures follow the trackball by using Pan or Tilt Invert in Patch and you will be very close 90% of the time in your palettes.....very useful when you don't get much time onsite.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • The other thing you can do for Side-hung fixtures is set a Pan/Tilt offset to keep them more in-line with your original show.

    I often have to do this with VL 2k/3k units when they are hung 90-degrees off @ festivals and such. Either 90 or -90 on the Pan Offset gets them sorted.
  • I've been trying to suggest a several times (can't remember if it's logged) an automated circular copy.
    The idea is that it would work both on fixture level and parameter level.
    At fixture level it would copy parameter group from fixture to another.
    For example you have fixtures which have color green, pink, cyan and red.
    Using "cycle" command would result a circular copy so the order is red, green, pink, cyan.
    So a few times pressing "cycle" and record would create a chase very easily.
    "cycle" used with sequence palettes would be a nice feature, I think.

    On a parameter level it could used for copying from pan tilt, or from cyan magenta yellow.
    But I think it would very nice when used for blade motors. You could easily rotate 90 degrees or invert you blades, which normally is very time consuming.

    Also one of my long term suggestions have been - color which would get the color to the opposite value. Which means just adding 180 degrees to Hue value.
    Also - key could be used the same way for FX offset and it would work the same way adding 180 degrees -> taking FX to opposite phase

    Sorry for a bit hijacking this...but the idea just came to mind again when I noticed this a one place where "cycle" could be used.
  • An old palette function that was called "sequence palette" was doing that (if I have understanding), I think that it should come back one day.
  • If I remember right sequence palette worked like this.
    You have palette which have a for example fixtures recorded in red, green and blue.
    You select a group or a range fixtures and they get a sequence R,G,B,R,G,B,R,G,B and so on.
    To achieve the same as automated circular copy would do, you have to select the range 2 more times.
    2nd selection would be from second fixture to last + first fixture.
    3rd selection would be from 3rd fixture to last + first + second.

    Making this a one button feature would reduce the amount of keystrokes significantly.

    The current way to do this:

    Let's say we have fixtures 211>226
    Adjust values so that 211 is red, 212 is green and 213 is blue.
    You can make a palette, but it's no use since it won't be global and there will reference only for those which are in the palette.
    Also the circular copy don't work correct if there fixtures with palette.

    [211>213 Colour Copy to 211> Enter] makes the sequence.
    [211> Enter Colour Copy 212>226+211 Enter] makes the second step.
    [211> Enter Colour Copy 212>226+211 Enter] makes the third step.

    So quite a lot of typing compared to pressing one button...and this was a simple example.