Hog Single Widget Repair

I have a Single USB Widget that does not seem to be working, when I connect the widget to my first light (MAC 2k) everything works, then I connect it to another light (MAC 2K) and then to some Dimmers and LED's when I go from the first light to the other they both work fine, but when I connect the dimmers and LED's all the lights go crazy. I thought this was a termination problem so I plugged it in, still the same problem, then I used a DMX Splitter to go to each cluster of DMX devices, then nothing worked. So I thought it was a bad cable somewhere so I replaced all the cable, same problem. Then I tried another Computer and the same widget, same problem. Then I got another Console and the whole thing worked like there was no problem, and it was all great, but I did not have Hog3pc Running the show. What could go wrong with the widget, is there something that I should do? I have also tried running the widget off a USB hub, no luck. Thanks