Cue Wait problem

I have a cue with Time=0 (bump) that takes out some lights. It is followed by a cue with a Wait=0 so it should follow immediately. This cue brings up the same lights to a new value in Time=3. I want them to bump out and fade back up.

What happens is they never bump out. If I change the Wait to 0.1 sec, then it works ok.
  • Rick,

    With a wait time of zero then both cues happen at the same instance, thus the reason you never see the bump out. As you discovered you need to have at bit of time between them to see total black.
  • So all cues with a wait time of 0 are executed simultaneously rather than sequentially, as if they were all in a single cue? There is no difference? Why isn't wait=0 disallowed? When would it come in handy?
  • Sometimes it is useful to split things up into mulitple cues to ease updating later....especially large ML rigs with multiple types of fixtures when MARK-ing for example.

    In your case you want to use "Follow" in the wait column.

    Hope this helps:)
  • Thanks, Marty. That was very helpful. I can see where that would come in handy in a large ML rig. What happens when two cues specify different values for the same parameter? Which one wins? HTP? LTP? something else?

    I am creating a long sequence of timed cues. I used "wait" to link them because "follow" requires me to change the "follow" time every time I change the cue timing whereas wait does not. Is there a better way to do this? I don't have midi or SMPTE.
  • [quote=bradpepe]As you discovered you need to have at bit of time between them to see total black.

    and this duration can vary, with DMX Refresh Rate being the most heavily-weighted contributor, followed by CPU "load" when a bumpy sequence fires.

    at the default DMX Refresh Rate of 25, i've never seen a wait of less than 0.07s work correctly, consistently. at 44, i've found the absolute minimum to be 0.03s.

    (a Follow to a 0s cue which affects the same parameters will also need to be Follow + at bit of time)

    [quote=amerson]Is there a better way to do this? I don't have midi or SMPTE.

    if it makes natural sense to run what you're cueing from timecode, the console can and will simulate a source for you.

    but i think Wait is what you really want.
  • [quote=amerson]I am creating a long sequence of timed cues. I used "wait" to link them because "follow" requires me to change the "follow" time every time I change the cue timing whereas wait does not. Is there a better way to do this? I don't have midi or SMPTE.

    I think we are talking about two different things....

    putting the word "Follow" in the Wait cell of a cue (or selecting Follow from the popup toolbar when pressing Set in the Wait cell) causes that cue to start once the preceeding cue has finished....there is no such thing as a "Follow" time on H3....unless you are talking about Delay perhaps:dunno:
  • I think we are talking about two different things....

    Perhaps we are. I'm thinking about the "follow-on" or "follow" time on p.217 and p.228 of the manual.

    The follow time should not be confused with the wait time. The follow time controls the time between the end of one cue and the triggering of the next, while the wait time controls the time between the triggering of one cue and the triggering of the next.

    It sounded to me like the difference between follow and wait (on those same two pages) is whether you want the time relative to the start of the cue or the end of the cue.

    [quote=Marty Postma]there is no such thing as a "Follow" time on H3....unless you are talking about Delay perhaps:dunno: I'm confused by this. I refer to the time above as a "follow time." Perhaps I should be calling it a different name? I know different manufacturers use the same word (from a selection of wait, follow, delay, etc.) to mean exactly the opposite thing from one another. I'm trying to use the Hog terminology for this.