(1949) Bug Report: Double-clicking compacted output window causes desktop crash

Name: Phil Gilbert
Date: 3/20/08
Platform: iPC
Software Version and build number: v2.3.2 (1949)
Number of displays: 1 external @ 1280x1024
Connected USB Devices: Keyboard
Networked Devices: None
Detailed description of the problem including instructions to reproduce (if possible) and exact syntax used:

(I have sent my Suzuki show file to Brad to replicate this bug.)

Open show file on iPC with attached monitor at 1280x1024.

Select view 'Phil 1'

In outboard Output window (which should already be compact) double-click the header for 'RGB LED' fixtures.

Desktop will crash.

Please let me know if you have any problems replicating this.

  • Thanks for the show file and the repro Phile. Well done. We have reproduced this here in the lab and have logged bug #11592 for this issue. We found it is not related to the show file or the external monitor resolution. This is a generic problem with double clicking aggregate headers in the output window when viewing in compact mode. Looks to have been around for a while. Thanks again.