lots of questions

I finally got some time on a Hog 3, so now I can ask semi-intelligent questions :)

1) move when dark... fixture feature, or programmable into a cue? If so, how? I had one incident where i would have liked to move a par of VL2500s when dark

2) tap to time fades/cues/fx... is it possible?

3) fx spread... is that in the latest software? The offset feature is nice, but I was having to set the offset for every fixture individually... a spread command would do it automatically, like on MagicQ and Ma. (the console I was using ran an older version, not the latest upgrade, and it wasn't my responsibility to upgrade...heh)

4) macros, or preferences... I ended up going through and changing all the fader and bump button setups to almost the same setting, go off zero, release on zero, etc... Can a macro be written to do that for me, or is there a setting in preferences that would set it up like that for me?

that's a good start for now :):rtfm: (I did....LOL)
  • 1) For MIB or mark cues you must be using the latest software.

    2) Also a added recently this works with chases hold down choose and tap play twice to set the speed

    3) To fan or align across a group press the fan key and turn the encoder of the paramet you wish to fan. Also you can highlight the cells and type the start value hit thru and the end value this will fan the values evenly across the rage you specify.

    When you download the new software take a minute to read the realase notes. That will expain make cues.
  • 1) move when dark... fixture feature, or programmable into a cue? If so, how? I had one incident where i would have liked to move a par of VL2500s when dark

    With the most recent software version Mark cues have been added. This will preset all fixtures with a zero intensity to their next position... all you need to do is double click in the mark column of the cue you wish to preset.

    If you only want certain fixtures preset then you could make your own preset cue by using Touch. Goto the cue you wish to preset and selecet the fixtures you wish to preset. Press touch and type @0 Enter. Record a new cue right before the one you are preseting. Remeber hogs go to 4 decimal places!

    2) tap to time fades/cues/fx... is it possible?

    You can do this with a cuelist chase by holding down choose and tap play.

    3) fx spread... is that in the latest software? The offset feature is nice, but I was having to set the offset for every fixture individually... a spread command would do it automatically, like on MagicQ and Ma. (the console I was using ran an older version, not the latest upgrade, and it wasn't my responsibility to upgrade...heh)

    In the fx engine if you fan the offset that should spread across all the selected fixtures. You just have to hold down fan while setting the offset.

    4) macros, or preferences... I ended up going through and changing all the fader and bump button setups to almost the same setting, go off zero, release on zero, etc... Can a macro be written to do that for me, or is there a setting in preferences that would set it up like that for me?

    No keystroke macros yet. If you want most of your cuelists to have certain atributes you can set it in the Playback Defaults of the User Preferences. However, I am not sure if there is a way to change the defaults of the Master.... Maybe somebody smarter than me knows???

    Hopefully this explains some of you questions...

  • that answers most of them.

    another... this particular board wouldn't load the interface without an installation CD in the drive... It would start the Hog software, but it got to the point where the mouse pointer is an X, and wouldn't continue. It wasn't crashed, since the mouse pointer would still move. The CD wouldn't eject unless the console was restarted.

    Is this normal, too?

    I shall have to ask S**** to upgrade their software before the next time they want me to use that console....
  • [quote=Tumbleweed]that answers most of them.

    another... this particular board wouldn't load the interface without an installation CD in the drive... It would start the Hog software, but it got to the point where the mouse pointer is an X, and wouldn't continue. It wasn't crashed, since the mouse pointer would still move. The CD wouldn't eject unless the console was restarted.

    Is this normal, too?

    Absolutely not.

    What software version are you running?

    [quote=Tumbleweed]I shall have to ask S**** to upgrade their software before the next time they want me to use that console....

    The current software is v2.3.1 build 1932...I would do a Full Install (.iso file) as opposed to the upgrade software to make sure all the proper driver versions are in the system, etc.
  • their Hog is running 2.2.2.

    I'll get a disk ready for them, since i doubt they'll upgrade on their own... lol
  • another question...

    on the Vista, you can have the different groups of playbacks be on different pages... can you have the console on one page, and a playback wing on another page?

    If not, I'd love to see it happen :)
  • [quote=Tumbleweed]... can you have the console on one page, and a playback wing on another page?

    Nope. You can, however, run multiple pages at the same time and simply change between the pages to make adjustments.

    Additionally you can set up a Template page. This puts certain cuelists, scenes, and/or inhibitive groups onto Master(s) on every page.

    :rtfm: p#s 287-294 for more on console Pages

    Hope this helps:)