DL-2 and dtec

here's a simple setup for those of you who have done this but i have not so.
Using an IPC in Hog III mode Software 2.3.1 (1932)

DL2 901-SR Screen (d-tek input 1)
DL2 911-SL Screen (d-tek input 2)
DL2 921-(d-tek input 3)Using the camera to run the image back to the other 2 DL2 with marshalls and d-tek.

How do i configue the IPC console to route the signal using the d-tek to run the camera signal from unit 921 back to the other units 901 and 911.
I've patched the D-tek unit but am not clear as to what the "mix" is on intensity or how to use the beam stuff which is the input/output section.
is source A and B for other external inputs-outputs?
Have read this www.highend.com/support/digital_lighting/dl2supportguide/dl2livevideoprimer.asp
but it doesn't explain the console end of things.

If another act arrive with a media server then i take it i could use the D-tek to route that signal back to 901/911?

Thanks in advance.
  • Hi Cormac,

    D-TEK is actually very easy to use.

    I am assuming that you have the D-TEK outputs 1-3 routed back to your DL.2s respectively.

    For Video Switching:

    Select the D-TEK fixture, then BEAM, then assign each Output an Input from the slot bar. Repeat as necessary. The image on your preview monitor should "snap" change as you assign...hence "switch".

    IE - Select Ouput 1 - Input 2 to send the camera feed from the second DL.2 back to the first one. Repeat for Output 3 to also send the camera feed from the second DL.2 back to the third one at the same time.

    To Crossfade Video sources:

    Select the D-TEK fixture, then BEAM. Assign an Input to Source A and a different one to Source B. Next set your desired outputs to MIX. Under intensity, use MIX to crossfade between the two just like a dimmer crossfade (0% is A, 50% is both overlaid, 100% is B).

    IE - Set Source A to Input 1, and set Source B to Input 3. Next Assign Outputs 1,2, & 3 to MIX (each one must be assigned independently). Now when you go from 0%-100% on the MIX under intensity all 3 of your DL.2s will fade from the first camera feed to the third one.

    Make sense?

    If you really want to start having fun, then start assigning FX tables to the output channels to rapidly change sources, or run a simple SINE on Mix to get quick crossfades. Chases also work well here.

    To answer your question on another media server, then yes you can use INPUT 4 to send to your DL.2s as long as it comes in as S-video. You cannot combine the S-video with the composite BNCs on the back of the D-TEK unit...all Inputs and Outputs need to be in the same format, or the switch will not work properly.

    If said media server has an S-video input, then you can also use OUTPUT 4 to send camera signals into the server as well.

    Feel free to ask more if you hit any snags.

    Hope this helps:)