Setting up views


I would like some advice on whats the best way to record and use views. I ask this because it seems that somehow windows are opened under windows that I didn't use at all, leaving me closing windows that get somehow stacked upon eachother, wich sometimes results in views fronting only partly, or doublepressing beam or whatever not working. Would the best way be recording each view with absolutely nothing under it?


  • I generally start with all windows closed and record this as View 7 (I'll explain why in a minute).

    I then build my "general" view with programmer/output on externals and my group, position, color and beams in the places I like them. This is my View 1.

    Hit View 7 (closes everything)

    View 2 (for me at least) is my LED groups on the left and my color window maximized on the right...everything else closed

    Hit View 7

    View 3 is my conventionals split between left and right and everything else closed.

    Hit View 7

    View 4 is Position Maximized on the right screen, View 5 is Color maximized, and View 6 is Beam maximized....

    Go in to the view editor and make everything additive EXCEPT View 1 and 7.

    The reason I put all close on view 7 is for the shortcuts. Hold down OPEN and you can hi 1, 2, 3, open those views. As "backspace" is generally noted to clear things, 7 is right under backspace. I can hit OPEN 7 and close everything....I always know OPEN 4 is a maximized position view. When I think I have some stuff open underneath, I always just hit OPEN 1 to close everything out and start from my basic windows once again.

    You can build anything you want to fill up the screens. Make sure you make the appropriate use of additive screens.

    Did that answer your question? The joy of the III is that everyone can setup their own views and work the way THEY want to work...not be forced to work with what's there. It's all personal preference.
  • Jon,

    Thanks for your reply. I'll definetly make a "clear"view like you describe. Good idea.
