Starting a Chase will Release CueList on another Fader

Hello Again,

Had another Strange Thing YesterDay. I created a chase, 6 steps, doing up down moves in a chase. Assert on Fader Up,Release on Fader Down, same for the Flash Keys. This Cuelist was on the 2nd fader.

On the 3rd Fader I had a single cue in a list, which did color & positionning on stage. Also Assert/Release on Faders/Flash Keys.

I have the 3rd Fader up, image on the Stage as expected. Then I Start the chase on fader 2, also works as expected, but after 2 seconds, the cuelist on fader 3 is released automaticly. There are no macros in either of the lists.

Swapped both cuelists on faders (cuelist on fader 3 to fader 2 and the other way round), no change.

Tried another cuelist which accessed other fixtures than the chase, same result is also released after approx. 2 seconds.

So seems to be in the chase. But it is a very basic one, selected the devices, did the changes to mark them, saved them to 1/1>6, and then merged the changes into the cues.

It is btw the same Show file as the "All Types" post I wrote a few seconds ago.

Have to get the desk back from the truck to save the show.
