(2.2.2) Bug report Wait and save activity

Name: Stephane Mocret
Date: 01/11/2007
Software Version and build number: V2.2.2 Release (Build 1809)
Number of displays: 1
Connected USB Devices: 0
Networked Devices: IPC 4 output/ Hog3PC no output

If i open a page with a save activity and a wait time on second cue, first cue is playing, second is automatically playing and when the second cue is on stage and all time finished if i push go button for this cuelist second cue will play again while we should active the third cue.
  • You definitely found a bug here and I have logged the issue as bug #11224 . I can definitely reproduce this in the lab. I am not sure what is happening underneath or why this problem is occuring but we will be sure to investigate and get it fixed. In the mean time your workaround of loading each page first seems to be solid.
  • I was just going to post that.

    Here's what I have.
    Road Hog
    v. 2.2.2

    The show was programmed on v.2.2.1 and then upgraded later..

    When I load a page the cues automatically load and display that the second cue has followed properly. When I push go for the next cue the list "jumps" to the first cue in the list. This is also true for pages where I want to skip the first six cues or so. I load the page and it is displaying that save activity has worked properly. It also appears that the stage output is correct for the cue listed as playing. When I push the go button for the first it "jumps" to the first cue.

    I can reset the the save activity settings and all is well. For that show. When I load the show the next day it's broken again.

    Chris Lighthall
  • Thanks Chris. I have added you comments to bug #11224 and since this seems to be a commonly used method of show playback I am going to make sure the priority of this bug is high.