Hog Questions...

1) is it possible to put only time on a pallette ?
2)is it possible to have a chase or P/T effect running and change position without stopping it for example have a ballyhoo on the dance floor and then hit a stage position and have the ballyhoo keep moving on stage.

  • Hi comet!

    1) No You can't put only time in a palette. What you can do is adjusting your timing for IPCB in your user preferences window under default timing and then turn on the fade changes button in the programmer.
    any time you apply a palette it will fade in in the default chosen time.

    2) yes you can. Record your effect cuelist as desired, let's say a circle without storing in it position information. Make a position cuelist with different positions. Let's say SR DS, SL DS, SR US, and enable pile add effect in your cuelist option window. Anytime you trigger a cue you will see your circle effect moving to the new position; the effect itself will use those positions as the base value.
    Hope this helps
  • 1) You can store Time in a pallet if it has the parameter with it also. So a color pallet could have color cyan and a 5 second time. When storing it you would need to push the useC, and useT to store booth color and time.

    2) What I do is store my effect not into a cuelist but into a Scene. Then on that scene turn on crossfade IPCB for the fader action. This way you can move the fade up and the effect will get bigger, bring the fader down and the effect will get smaller. You also will need to set the scene as a higher priority so it does not get stomped on, by the main cuelist with the different positions. Remember not to store any pan/tilt info into this scene.
  • Now that we have the cuelist effect rate option available to control the size of an effect I normally store 2 cues and set the fader as manual crossfader. Let's say Cue 1 size 0, Cue 2 size 100. Trigger the first cue with fader down. As I raise the fader I gradually fade in effect size till it reaches the maximum size, bring the fader down I decrease the size. Want to get it faster hold choose and spin the encoder.
    This way I'm able to control speed and size independently. On the contrary if you record a scene and set the fader as IPCB you increase and decrease size and rate at the same time. The lower the fader the smaller and the slower the effect, the higher the fader the faster and the bigger the effect. As stated before I reckon that with this new feature implemented a 2cues list is definitely better.

  • Both viable options but my question is... Can one take a ballyhoo running on the dance floor and "on the fly" hit a position pallette and throw it up on the back wall and then down on stage or up in the roof and not lose the ballyhoo. It seems no matter what kind of P/T chase or effect is running. The position pallette overrides it and stops the movement.
  • I see what you say now.
    you might record different position palettes with same effect in in.
    As you record your palettes mask P and E.
    Ballyhoo SR, Ballyhoo SL, Ballyhoo DS,Ballyhoo Audience.....
    hope this helps
  • cool, can you tell me the key strokes to add time to a pallette ?

  • Ok I'm gonna give you an example on how to insert time in a palette.

    let's say I've got 10 mac2k wash in my show.

    1 trhu 10 Enter
    adjsut pan and tilt.

    Now you can choose one of the following way to insert time.
    You can push [Position] [Time] 10 [enter]: this way you give your position parameters a 10 sec. fade in.

    Or adjust your position and push [Time]. Spin the encoders to adjust your timing.

    Now Push [Record], mask P and T in the record option toolbar, open your position directory and touch a free cell.

    As you record your new position a P.T. should appear in the upper right corner of your new position palette, indicating you have position parameters and timing included in the palette.
    Remember that you have to turn fade changes on in the programmer to being able to see your palette applied with the recorded time.

    If you enter your timing via command line remember any time you push time toggles between fade in, delay and path.
    Example: if you use the following syntax:
    1>10 Enter
    Adjust pan and tilt
    you are basically telling your fixtures to go to this position with a 10sec fade in time, 5sec delay, with a linear path.
    Hope this helps