Hog III Grand Master

Hi Chaps,

I have recently bought a Road Hog - and I like it!

Ont 'little' problem is that I have lost a sub by the time I have my Grand Master, is there a way I can not have the HM on a playback - but keep it up all the time?


  • Absolutely....just take a list, scene or inhibitive sub and move it to Fader 1.

    From page 289 of the manual....

    The Grand Master inhibits the intensities of all fixtures on the console, including those within the Programmer, with the exception of those that are parked. By default, it resides on Master 1 on each page of masters, but you can load a cuelist, scene or inhibitive master onto Master 1 in the same way as with any master; see Working with Pages(p.281).

    To use a "Grand Master" that's been covered, just use the GM key.

    You can also control the Grand Master using the GMkey. Hold down the GMkey and turn the first parameter wheel or the I-Wheel. This allows you to access the Grand Master quickly when a normal master on the current page is obscuring it. The GM key LED shows the state of the Grand Master

    Hope it helps....