Buttons on Hog 3 Stops working

Last week i discovered that the . 2 5 8 / backspace and effect buttons on my hog 3 stops working after a new show has been loaded and the machine is fully booted up. They still work in the load show menu. I have done a complete software and bios reload and the problem still there.

Anybody got an explanation ???????
  • Wow... now that's a new one... I would avoid point cues and type carefully... :-)

    Seriously, a couple questions that will help all of us help you...

    What version of software are you using? What other devices are in your system (DP2000, IOP, multiple consoles)? Does your Hog3 do this with all shows, i.e. if you start a clean show is the problem still there? Are you using an external keyboard? if so, do those keys work and does it change at all when you unplug the keyboard?
  • Marco,

    The keys on the keypad are driven by an electronic matrix, so the sequence of keys that are not working actually makes some sense. The fact that they operate in the launch window and not the show also makes some sense as the full front panel is not initialized until the show is loaded (you can see this as the LEDs come on when a show loads).

    Probably you have a stuck key or maybe something has shorted due to a liquid spill or other problem. I suggest opening the event monitor (setup/events) and check for stuck keys or non-functioning keys. Additionally you can use the "console test" of the boot menu (hold pig while powering on). Using this test you can determine if any LED or buttons are not working... NOTE that you will need a mouse connected to use this routine.

    So it looks like a hardware problem and I suggest you contact our support department for repair. support@flyingpig.com or 800-890-8989
  • OK, thanks for the reply's

    I am running version 2.2.1 (have also loaded an older version and same problem still there)

    Got 1 dp2000 connected, even without it the problem still there.
    It also happens with all new shows that is start.

    When i use an external keyboard the buttons are still not functioning, but on the external keyboard itsel they are working.

    I will give Brad's suggestions a try as soon as possible.
  • Hi again guys...

    OK I've done the console test and discovered that when i press the [.] key about 15 other buttons lights up on the console screen.

    Any suggestions on repair...

    I live in South Africa and not sure who the local agents/repairs company.
    I imported the desk straight from overseas.
  • Marco,

    I have spoken with our board techs and they suggest the following:

    2,5,8 and period keys are on switch column 8 so it makes sense all would be out.
    check the period switch with an Ohm meter and compare with other known good switches to determine if the switch is bad.
    Check the Ohm value of D103 (Diode) and compare with others. This Diode is used with this column.
    You could also compare the resistance of D103 with the other diodes.
    Switch column 8 also feeds into IC65, so you might check the trace there to ensure it is ok.Of course you should just do a general inspection of the circuit board to ensure it is clean and in good shape.

    If you continue to have problems after these checks, contact our support department and they can help you to locate a service center.