speed increase by swapping HDD to SSD?

I want to try to swap the HDD to SSD for speeding up bootup time, maybe also normal programming, on H3, IPC and RH.
Does anyone have experience in this?
Is it possible? Would it help?
What would be the minimum Size of Memory required (cost!)?

Second reason: had already couple of HDD failures on different consoles- the change could also increase reliability

Comments welcome

  • [quote=Roberror]I want to try to swap the HDD to SSD for speeding up bootup time, maybe also normal programming, on H3, IPC and RH.
    Does anyone have experience in this?
    Is it possible? Would it help?
    What would be the minimum Size of Memory required (cost!)?

    I think this is not possible presently as there are no drivers in the system to handle this type of drive with the current Linux kernel on H3 (same problem as USB Flash drives), or in the XPe for iPC/RH.

    [quote=Roberror]Second reason: had already couple of HDD failures on different consoles- the change could also increase reliability

    Actually with the ammount that H3 is constantly reading and writing to the HDD, I don't think a SSD would have a longer lifetime, in fact it may even be significantly shorter. It might be worth experimenting though to find out.
  • Rob,

    A change of hardware such as this would void your warranty and is not suggested. If you are having trouble with hard drives I suggest you contact our support department directly. There was a problem with older consoles, but we made a change in drive suppliers and have not seen this problem for a long time.

  • mm.. i'm pretty shure that as long as the drive is a standard PATA/SATA(i don't know whats in the H3/Ipc/Roadhog) drive you shouldn't need a driver for it.. Don't buy a drive, swop and blame me if it don't work though;)

    -Regarding Hdd reliability/failure, the one and biggest reason to swop to a SDD drive is sertainly a good reason, and especially in our types of devices that take a lot of beating on the road.. I think it would be good to have a drive thats unaffeccted by any physical movement/beating/etc.

    -and in fact as the prices drop(a lot) maybe we will in the future see the desks shipped with SSD drives as standard.. The laptop manufactorers are already thinking about this, and as an example i think there's a rumour around that the next genereation of laptops from apple will have SSD drives.. So i guess it's only a mather off time until we need to look hard to find a drive with moving parts..

    -And of course atm, the warranty is one BIG reason to not go on and swop it out;)