Moving up to Hog3 PC

I'm loading into a venue with a Hog II PC system setup. I want to run Hog III PC using their playback wing, programming wing and two touchscreen monitors. I have a Hog III superwidget so we should be good to go as far as outputting Hog III.

We've loaded and launched Hog III PC and we've run into two problems. The first unusual problem is that on the primary launch screen the buttons for Launch New Show and Launch exhisting show are greyed out. So regrardless of any other issues, we can't launch the software.

The second and more pressing problem is that the Hog III can't seem to find the programming wing. It's connected, the trackball works, but when we go to the control panel to set up wings, the wing doesn't appear so we can't assign it to the program.

Anyone have any suggestions?

  • Do you have specific on the computer running the H3PC software? Does it meet the system requirements for H3PC (it may not if it was designed for H2PC).

    Also what version H3PC are you running?
  • the first thing that comes to mind, is that if "Run server" is deselected in setting(you can find that on the initial screen) both launch existing, and launch new is greyed out.. this is by design, becouse if you don't have a server, you can't start a show..

    as for the second issue, I'm not shure, but i think the driver for the programmer wing is actually two drivers(anyone from HES would know!) the trackball comes up in windows as a standard input device(a mouse) so the trackball works always.. But i don't think the "proper" driver for the rest of the wing gets initiallized until hog3pc has come a little further in it's startup sequence than the first start window..And i actually don't think the programmer wing has it's own setting under wings in config(so it would make sense that you can't see it)
  • Thanks for your quick posts and a call back from tech support.

    Here's what we discovered.

    The first problem was indeed solved by turning on the server. I guess it's not selected by default. Go figure.

    The second problem, might be a bug or just operator error. It seems that the programmer wing does not need to be assigned in the control panel. The playback wing assigns just fine. The widget is found just fine. And when we launch a show, the programmer wing works fine. We just assumed the programmer wouldn't work because we couldn't assign it in to anything. If it wasn't for the first problem we probably wouldn't have even realized the second.

    Thanks for the help.

  • Rob,

    I'm glad to hear you have everything up and running. You will definitely need to be running the show server to launch a new or existing show, although this option definitely should be enabled by default. As long as windows properly loads the drivers for the programming wing, you shouldn't have to do anything within Hog 3PC to get it to function.

    Please let us know if you run into any other problems or if there's anything we can do to help.