newbie - pan/tilt timing

Hi Guys,
I just recently started working with this lighting system, which BTW is my first lighting system:p , and I was wondering if there was a way to adjust the speed in which a fixture can pan or tilt to a new position?

Thanks a ton!
  • Yes.........

    When recording Cues, you can adjust the time in which the console fades the pan and tilt.

    Not having the console right on front of me I can't tell you how to do it for just the pan and tilt.
    However, If you double click the Cue List's Choose button change the fade times in the fade time area of the spread sheet.

    The following may not be exact, but is a rought idea, Not having the console infront of me i'm doing this from memory.
    Say you want to change the time of the P+T fade from cue 3 to cue 4 on the cuelist on Master 2.

    Select the choose of Master 2, Type in
    This should open the editor window for Cue 4 for the CueList on Master 2.
    Select Fade on the top bar of buttons.
    Highlight the cells for the Pan and Tilt of the fixtures you would like to change, press "SET" and enter the time you would like this fade to run.
    Then press "enter" and now "UPDATE"

    Try running your cue now......... see if thats what your looking for.

  • Matt,

    The Wholehog 3 allows you to assign individual fade times, delay times, and crossfade paths to each single parameter in a cue or scene. You can assign timing to fixtures and parameters in an editor before you record, you can open cues and adjust timing after you record, or you can set timing of cues from the command line.

    When working in an editor, you can adjust timing for currently selected fixtures by typing:
    [Time] 4 [Enter]
    This will assign a fade time of 4 seconds to all paramters for the fixture(s).

    You can also specify timing for a specific parameter group by typing:
    [Position] [Time] 4 [Enter]

    In the above commands, pressing Time once will set fade time. Pressing Time twice will set delay time.

    If you want to edit times within the editor spreadsheet, you can click the fade, delay, and path buttons at the top of the window. This will display times in each cell. You can click a cell or group of cells, press set, and enter a new time.

    To set fade time for a cue from the command line, type:
    [Cue] 1 [Time] 4 [Enter]

    To set delay time:
    [Cue] 1 [Time] [Time] 2 [Enter]

    To set time for a parameter group:
    [Cue] 1 [Position] [Time] 4 [Enter]

    To set time for individual fixtures:
    [Cue] 1 [Fixture] 1 [Thru] 8 [Time] 3 [Enter]

    I hope this helps clear things up.
    Feel free to let us know if you have more questions.