Wholehog 3 doesn´t respond to MSC

I am having trouble when I send MSC to the Wholehog 3 console. I did every setup steps as recalled from the manual to enable the console to receive MSC, but while I send the MSC data it simply does nothing.
I am confident that my MSC device transmitter is working ok, and that the MSC data is the correct for the console. I also downloaded the Status Cue software ( I do not know of any other software simpler than this to view MSC in the PC via the MIDI In port), and it seems to receive every MSC command properly.
Are any MIDI event monitor in the Wholehog 3 console?
I suspect that I am only bypassing a simple configuration step to work properly with MSC in the console, but other that the Network panel settings I do not what could be.
Thank you very much for any help.
  • You can view all events (key presses, encoder movements, midi input) by holding down the open key and pressing the EVENTS softkey in the lower right side of the right touchscreen. This should tell you if the console is at least seeing the midi input. Also individual cuelists could have had midi control turned off. Check this by looking in the options screen of the individual cuelist.
  • JC,

    You indicated that you "enabled the console to recieve MSC" but did you enable your cuelist? As Lee said, check your Cuelist(s) options to see if the "ignore MSC In" box is checked.
  • WOW! Status Cue!
    When we bringin' that one back Brad?
    This Hog thing just doesn't have the coolness of those key futuristic Status Cue Consoles. I want One! YAY!

    But as far as a MIDI device to view midi codes, there are a few programs out there that hardware applications people use called Tera Term. Although not something that comes reconfigured, if you know anything about writing some simple command scripts, you can create a device to view your midi data. Although this is a nerd thing.
  • A program I use to monitor incoming SYSEX (MSC) commands is MidiOX www.midiox.com
  • JC,

    As Brad mentioned, there are settings both at the console level (in the network window) and at the cuelist level (in the cuelist options window) that control how the console responds to MIDI show control. You will need to make sure that both are set properly before you will be able to trigger lists.

    Lee is also correct that the event monitor on the Wholehog 3 will allow you to view MIDI events on the console. I'm not entirely sure how Todd is using Terra Term to view MIDI data, because as far as I'm aware it's just a terminal emulation program. If you're looking for a decent software application for working with MIDI, I would recommend MIDI-Ox (www.midiox.com). It's very full-featured and is free for personal use.

    What device are you sending the MSC commands with? Different controllers have been known to use different (or even incorrect) command formats and this can cause some devices to not respond properly to others. If you can post some examples of the strings you're seeing in Status Cue, we can take a look and make sure that the Wholehog 3 will understand them.

  • Using Tera Term through GPIB IEEE interfaces and developing monitoring tools. Labview and Lab Widows are other programs I use too.
    Tom it comes from developing test programs for microprocessors. I got really used to using serial emulators and recieviers for tons of applications. All it takes is modifying code a little bit and changing the interface and simulation tools. Dynamic serial emulators are good for visualizing anything. A solutions I was considering and have tried some of in the past works with MIDI (notes, timecode, and show control). It also works with DMX. I've also used it in limited applications to review scanning protocol for laser heads.
    I suppose it's a bit too technical for this topic but it inspired me to think about developing a new sw app for troubleshooting timecode issues that I myself am experiencing. Also made me think about the DL2 sync discussion I was having w Scott last week.
    Maybe if I bought some glasses and a pocket protector.....
  • Todd,

    It seems that you've found a set of tools that works for you.

    For most of us, the easiest way to get the best feature set within an application for viewing and testing MIDI, MSC, and MTC, is going to be downloading and installing MIDIOx.

    If a typical Wholehog user asks the question "How can I look at MIDI data?", which do you think is a more reasonable answer?

    1) Download and install MIDIOx. It's free for personal use and has more than enough features to show you everything you need. It has powerful filtering when viewing and can even send custom MIDI strings and MTC.

    2) Sit down with gcc and write your own MIDI viewing application.

    I'd argue that in almost every single case, the KISS rule will win and answer #1 will be your best option.

    Feel free to disagree.
  • Why argue Tom, you're right. Of course if I actually spent more time playing with MidiOX and MIDI Yoke than was needed to interconnect Hog2 and Hog3 PCs with WYG or Vision then I would probably have agreed right off the bat. Sometimes though I forget about those apps because I've been exposed to many other wonderful tools.
    I suppose it would be worth while to establish a good convention for everyone. If MIDIOX can be configured as a code converter to display more than just raw data then you probably have something. I suppose I'll get it out and play and see what possible applets I can come up with.
  • Thank you for your replys. I have sucessful GO'ed the Wholehog 3. However, I can`t send a STOP and RELEASE Midi Show control commands. According to the user manual the STOP and RELEASE only have one data byte (the cuelist number).

    For example for an MSC STOP for cuelist 1, I send the following data (assigned the ID to 1 of course):

    F0 7F 01 02 01 02 30 31 00 F7

    I send the 30 31 because I always send the numbers as tenths, units (because of my controller), and I believe that the 00 after F7 doesn't interfere with the message (it worked ok when I used the GO command).

    Thank you very much for any help.
  • JC,

    The basic structure of MIDI Show Control messages is:

    F0 7F device_id 02 command_format command [data] F7

    The device_id is one byte and is set to the ID of the controller that should receive and process the message.

    The command_format is one byte with a decimal value of 0 through 127. We (the lighting industry) most commonly use value 01, which is General Lighting.

    The command is one byte with a decimal value of 0 through 127.

    Some commands require an amount of data to follow the command.

    F7 completes the command.

    Different manufacturers often have slightly different implementations. Many MSC commands have some data that is optional and I've seen a number of cases where data padding is different. I've even run into a case where the cuelist IDs being sent weren't the cuelist ID numbers, but the playback master numbers. Many of these variations still fall within the proper spec for MSC, but consoles receiving the commands may be picky about what they see and not respond to commands that aren't formatted the way they expect.

    Here are some starting points for the commands you're looking for:

    Pause (List 1)
    F0 7F 01 02 01 02 00 31 00 F7

    Resume (List 1)
    F0 7F 01 02 01 03 00 31 00 F7

    Release (List 1)
    F0 7F 01 02 01 0B 00 31 00 F7

    I hope this helps.
  • hello there,

    i'm quiet new to using MSC so i'm a little confused on some issues.

    for example: where is defined that you are releasing cuelist number 1 in this information? and where is definde that it is an release information your are sending at the moment?

    Release (List 1)
    F0 7F 01 02 01 0B 00 31 00 F7

    it would be nice if someone could help me out on this..

    thanks and cheers

  • Michael,

    Here are the details about the format of your command:

    F0 7F - Begin Command
    01 - Device ID
    02 - Constant Value
    01 - Lighting Command Format
    0B - Release
    00 - Separator
    31 - Cuelist Number 1 (see notes below)
    00 - Separator
    F7 - Complete Command

    Cuelist numbers and cue numbers are specified as ASCII digits (30-39h). For example, cuelist 25 would be expressed as
    32 35

    I hope this clears everything up. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
  • first of all thanks for your quick reply,

    after your explenation i now understand the system but i cant find any information on that in a hog 3 manual. where for example do you know from that 0B stands for a release? and what are the other commands for GO ; HALT; and so on?

    it would be nice if someone could answer these questions


  • here i am again...;-)..

    another question i have: is there any software you guys know of that is able to put out MSC when using a midi device connected to a pc?

    thanks again....
  • You can either use Hog3PC to send out Midi Messages or you can download Midi-Ox (www.midiox.com) which is cabable of outputting Midi Timecode and Midi Show Control messages. I believe this is what you are looking for.