User fixtures

I am in Japan with a Local fixture it is a Turbo par copy .It has 5 channels ,the 1st channel is like vari-lites where it is a dimmer patch the other 4 are DMX .I tried to do it with 2 patch points but that was wrong so now I have created two entities turbopar dim and turbopar dmx the 1st with just intensity the 2nd with the other 4 parimeters CMY and zoom,this means I have to call them up indiviualy any suggestions or tips?
  • Jim,

    You should be able to create a single fixture within the fixture builder that has two patch points and all of the parameters that you need.

    Here's how:

    1. Press Fixture, then Open to open the Fixture window.
    2. Press the Fixture Builder toolbar button at the top of the window.
    3. OK the warning dialog.
    4. Press Create New.
    5. Enter the fixture information.
    6. Set the Channel Count to 5.
    7. Enter a new patchpoint address 2 and press Add.
    8. Press OK.
    9. Set channel 1 Function to Intensity / Intensity.
    10. Set channel 2 Function to Colour / Cyan.
    11. Set channel 3 Function to Colour / Magenta.
    12. Set channel 4 Function to Colour / Yellow.
    13. Set channel 5 Function to Beam / Zoom.
    14. Set the DMX Values for all channels to 0>255.
    15. Set the Real World values for all channels to 0>100.
    16. Press the Build Type button.
    17. Close the Fixture Builder.

    Patching the fixture:
    1. In the Fixture window, press the Fixture Schedule toolbar button.
    2. Find the fixture you built in the User Created section and add as many as you need to your show.
    3. Select the fixtures and press @.
    4. In the Patch At window, select Fixture from the Patch Points drop-down.
    5. Choose the proper DP and Universe, then type the DMX address for the colour and zoom portion of the fixture and press enter.
    6. Press @ to bring up the Patch At window again.
    4. In the Patch At window, select Intensity from the Patch Points drop-down.
    5. Choose the proper DP and Universe, then type the DMX address for the dimmer and press enter.

    The fixture should now be patched and ready to use. You should be able to control all of the functions of the fixture (including intensity) with a single user number.

    I hope this helps.
  • You can probable patch it is a HES color command, these fixtures are very close in peramitors.
  • Jim,

    Mike has a great point. The Color Command is a fixture with 2 patch points. The channel layout is:

    1- Intensity
    2 - Cyan
    3 - Magenta
    4 - Yellow
    5 - Diffusion

    You may be able to just use this profile, or you can create a copy of this fixture in the Fixture Builder and make any changes you need.