Stopping an Effect...

Hi All,
I have a question about stopping an effect in a cue that follows the cue that contains the effect.
Here is the scenario:
I take my mid-stage Mac 700's and place the Tilt into a sine wave with an offset and all that fun stuff for cue 2. In Cue 3 I want to stop the movement.... I grab the groups, assign them a static position and record cue 3 with the desired timing. Using either Record/Merge or Merge/Cue Number the first recording does not stop the movement. If I repeat the same syntax over again and record it (or merge/cue # twice in a row with the initial selection) it stops. Alternatively When I make the selection I open the effect engine and select "off" for that parameter and it seems to do it first.
I guess I am just looking for the 'proper' and 'efficient' method for this!
  • The way I have always done it is to build a "stop" effect. This is an effect with all parameters stopped. That way, I can just open the effect window, hit my "stop" effect and continue programming.
  • Btw, does the stopping of fx mean in this case setting the rate to zero (freeze) or releasing the fx (table off) -> going to base value?
  • Robb,

    If you have an effect playing back from a cue and there is nothing in the programmer, when you select lights and touch the parameters with the effect it should automatically set the effect table to Off. When you record this to a new cue, it should stop the effect.

    As Jon suggested, you can make a palette that will stop all effects. The one hassle with this is when you want to stop an effect on a single parameter and still let other effects continue to run.

    Another thing worth remembering is that effects have their own fade and delay timing. They don't just use the timing associated with their parameters. You may have to make some timing adjustments to get things looking right on stage.

    I hope this helps.
  • [quote=teerickson]As Jon suggested, you can make a palette that will stop all effects. The one hassle with this is when you want to stop an effect on a single parameter and still let other effects continue to run.

    You can also make multiple "Stops" for each different parameter you like to use.

    Personally I like to make "Track" palettes as well for quick and easy editing.:hogsign:
  • What a can of worms!
    It would be so nice to have the ability to touch effect parameters and also knock out effects parameters.
    Personally, I build my effects in virtual cuelists and then macro to them. That way, I can run an I fx, a P fx, C fx, and a B fx from the macros of another cuelist. Then it's just a matter of building perhaps a macro only list on a fader (or play control on exp wing) to trigger them.
    This is also good when building into a single string cuelist.
    It is however very time consuming and not everyone has a photographic memory to remember if it was list 6 or list 8 and if it was cue 7 or 17. Then there is also the hassle that the effects list has that notorious little thing called masking that can give you unwanted results when triggering a "slow pan scan" that was programmed after a "fast random pan"
    This did however promote the addition of a zero cue that precedes each actual fx cue on my virtual list but what if I macro trigger fx 2 and then my next pan or tilt movement triggers fx 4? It won't crossfade but initiate the zero cue before running (looks very bad).
  • These are all really good solutions, and of course each has its own scenerio where it fits best. For me I like to build alot of specific chases, mainly P/T and Intensity, and trigger those from the macros. I like my FX to be in the actual cue, as I find sometimes they don't always realease like they are supposed too. On this tour I have a zillion macros going because I have a 32 channel lighted sign and some other scenic stuff... It was much easier to build 20 or so effects for that thing and bring them in externally. I am finding that just selecting "off" for each parameter seems to work best in the following cue. I guess the merge cue # twice may be a bug, but seems to work and gives me the speed I desire! This is why forums are nice! To find out many ways of doing the same thing!
