Smooth Fading Between Graphic Layers

I'm going to be doing a demo today with our 2 DL-2s in collage mode. They want a basic slide show with jpg photos crossfading between each other. I was programming these cues and found that no matter how you have your cross fade set up, there is a dark dip in-between the two layers. I've tried it where the bottom layer is at full then I fade the next layer on top of it without having the bottom layer fade out. I've tried the same thing reversed (top layer is at full, bottom layer is at full then I fade the top layer out). I've also tried this where the layers intentnistys cross fade. Is there another way of cross fading that I missed? I'm using the intensity channels on the graphic layers to cross fade. Do I need to do something to my content? (They are jpg photos that are fairly bright)

ps.- Our DL2s are running v1.2.2.864
Thanks in advance,
  • Andrew,

    Are you referring to the black "shadow" of the 3d object you see when you first start to fade in the new content? If so, try taking the Z pos of the layer you are fading up and pull it ever so slightly toward you (-3px on my Hog 3 here) and that should get rid of the black shadow. Any time you run into this, you should be able to tweak the Z pos around a little to cure the problem.

    If I've just totally missed your problem, let me know.

  • I just ran into the showroom and tried that and unfortunately it didn't work.
    sidenote: I just tried running this cue block on one DL2, not it collage mode. It cross fades without the dark dip and I didn't have to do any Z position tweaking.
  • Hey Drew,
    You know what I did forget to report that problem,
    I did have that issue when we first got the beta, I ended up working around it with console timing.
    But It sounds like it is definetly something wierd going on with our setup, as it doesn't seem to be a common problem.
    Have you updated to the "Release" version of software??
    Give me a call if you have any questions.

    Sorry I am not in the shop to help out, Still looks like I will be able to get back to work on wednesday or so. If they let me drive...
    (Head Fractures SUCK!!)

    Take it easy. and have a good 4th
    Joshua Wood
    Service Manager
    Ruehling Associates Inc.
  • Josh-
    Jeff and I tried different timing, but it still won't work. My thought it that you were crossfading between movies where there is movement and the eye is very forgiving. Since these are still images, it's much more noticable when doing a straight corssfade. I did upgrade our DL2s to the current release, but the issue remains.
    Have a good 4th and it'll be great to have you back when you feel better.
  • Yea,
    I definetly agree there is a problem there,
    a simple crossfade of any kind should not cause the near blackout that our DL2's seem to be doing.
    Have a good one.
  • Head fracture!?!? What happened Josh?:twak:

    Feel better dude!
  • Sorry guys, my test lab is a bit of disarray this morning when I came in. Give me an hour or so to get a collage set up and work on the problem to see if I can help out with a work around.
  • Ok So here's the story,
    I was out rollerblading with a friend, (I know how 1990 :D )
    and went down a hill and lost my balance, my feet flew out in front of me, and I pretty much landed directly on the back on my head.:aiwebs_009:
    I would give you more information about the exact incedent, but I don't remember it all that well.
    I ended up haveing to take a helicopter to the hospital, and I had to stay there for 9 days.
    Loads of fun, I have a basilar skull fracture, Luckily I am not a sound guy as I have temporarily lost hearing in my right ear due to spinal fluid leakage in my inner ear.
    My headaches are getting much better though, and the dizzyness is the only really annoying leftover thing.. but they said that could take quite a while to go away entirely..
    In any case, i am feeling much better, and I hope to be back to work on wednesday.
    So in any case, that's why I didn't send a bug report in while the software was still a beta, I was planning on haveing a few more days to play with software before I sent in any info.
    But that was not to be..

    So thats my story, loads of fun...
    Take it easy :blackeye:
  • Andrew,

    I got your situation set up here and can see what you are talking about. With three DL.2s collaged together, crossfading from one layer to another I see a rather significant period of time where the output goes black. At the same time, I have a DL.2 that is not collaged, but is crossfading between the same two images in the same amount of time, and while there is a slight dip in the intensity as the fade happens, the output never goes black. Is this the behavior you were referring to?

    I did find somewhat of a workaround for you, but not a total fix. When you are doing the crossfade, is the second image you want to fade to at intesity 0 in the first cue? In other words:

    1st Cue: Layer 1 at full (visible), Layer 2 preloaded with image for next cue at 0.
    2nd Cue: Layer 1 fades to 0, Layer 2 fades to 100.

    If this is the case, you might want to try something a bit different:

    1st Cue: Layer 1 at full (visible), Layer 2 at full with image for next cue preloaded (Layer 2 hidden behind layer 1, so while at full it can't be seen)
    2nd Cue: Layer 1 fades to 0 revealing layer 2. There is still a bit of a dip in intensity, but not nearly as bad as the first senario.

    Of course, layer numbers can be whatever you want them to be, just suggesting the hiding of one layer behind the other, both at full. On the second cue you could even be fading a third layer up behind the second to preset for the next cue.

    What looks to be happening is the opacity (intensity) is being applied an extra time in the graphics pipeline when the collage effect is turned on causing things to fade faster than they should, leaving you with the blackout. I've logged this into our system as bug #9653 and we'll work on it in the near future.

    Thanks for the report guys. :You_Rock_Emoticon: Sorry to hear about your head Josh, hope all goes well on your recovery.