A new idea

I have an idea...
I think maybe the playback faders can be a program tool.
We can insert any fixture or number of fixtures of the same type into a different fader and any time we press the Choose button, a pop up list will show up and we can select which parameter group we want the fader control on (All,Int,Position,Color,Beam). and the GO and HALT key's will scroll up and down between parameters that in the selected group (Pan,Tilt,Color1,Color2,Magenta,cyan,Gobo,Zoom,Focus, etc...).
the console akt like a simple fader console for MH.

for example: insert 10 Studio Spot to fader no.4, press on Choose, select color to bring into the fader, press GO and the fader control on color wheel 1, press GO again and the fader control on color wheel 2, press HALT and the fader control on the previous parameter (color wheel 1), and the same for Beam,Position,Int...
we can insert a 10 groups like that, each for every fader.
This will halp not only for programing, this will halp in Live show to.
I think this is a good idea, what you guys think about that?
This toll will be the perfect answer for all the LD/oprtor that use to work with a fader console and this will crash the ETC Congo with hes function to move parameter to fader, the congo move one parameter to a fader but we move the all Studio Spot !!!:finger:
