Bug or Feature?: "Change Type" notes have inconsistency with compound fixtures.

Full Boar and Hog PC
Can't tell if this is intended or not.

CH: 2301 - VLX m1 - Note field: M1 Note
CH 2401 - VLX m2 (compound fixture) - Note field: M2 Note

1. 2401 "Change Type" to VLX M1
Creates 2301 Under M1 types.
Note says "Change Type of 2401" instead of M2 Note AND the original 2401 (M2 compound fix) is still in show.

2. Try it the other way:
2301 (m1) "Change Type" to VLX M2
Creates 2301 (same Fix number) under VLX M2 and keeps the same note field (as expected) and deletes 2301 under VLX M1 (as expected).

Is #1 expected behavior for changing type of compound fixtures?

  • Hog 4 OS supports change type functionality between compound fixture types and standard fixture types, but does not support change type functionality between one compound fixture type and another compound fixture type. It is also important to note that when changing a compound fixture type to a standard fixture type, the original compound type is cloned (not changed) to a standard type fixture that is added to the show (the original compound type fixture and the new standard type fixture will exist side-by-side in the show and will have no reference to one another).
  • Got it, that's the behavior I was seeing.
    So does the new cloned fixture retain any of the programming of the original fixture? Are both of the fixtures in all the previously recorded cues?