Colour Model

In a world of steadily increasing RGBWA fixtures I reckon it's about time to include both W and A in the HSI environment by creating a new colour abstraction layer.
Thanks a lot
  • I'm not going to bring up the usual "desk x or desk y can do this" topic but yeah, I've seen it on other desks........
    Apart from that I really do believe the Hog colour picker has always been inconsistent since the hog3 days.
    CMYs and RGBs cannot be always converted to HSI. Again these 3 models are mutually excluding on other desks i.e. you can get any colour converted from and to any colour environment dot dot dot dot
  • In HSI it is very hard to implement A and W, as if you look at the physical color modol of HSI these values are itself values with a specific HSI-value.
    White for example can be any hue-value with a saturation of 0, transfered into RGB it is 255,255,255... Thats physics ;-)
    So would you the only hve the W LED on?! Or W plus RGB... questions over questions.
    So the only way would be to have calibrated fixtures
    Otherwise I dont see any way how this could be done in reusable way for different fixtures.

    I had nice chat with development during PL&S about this.
    There are thoughts how this can be done.

    But it would be much easier if the manufacturer would provied a HSI Mode for these kind of fixtures, like ETC or also other brands already do
  • In the real world R+G+B equals pinkish kind of colour and not white. That's why they should implement a new colour model where W and A are automatically included in the HSI environment to match more accurately the colour you choose on the colour picker. Other desks can do this and actually they're doing it pretty well.....
  • Yes, in the "real world", thats true, its because of the different levels the R, G and B LEDs emitt. But in the real-world of physics R+G+B equals W, and the color-picker is nothing than physics.
    And you cant change physics ;-)

    My guess is that this only can be done if you color-calibrate the fixtures like it has been done in the past with several fixtures.

    Have you ever worked with printing... you get some crazy stuff sometimes, even with the same values for RGB or CMYK just when have stuff printed on two different machines. Color calibrations of all gear, color-profiles and proofs are the way to go to provide a result that is the same or almost the same during the complete within the whole workflow.
  • Reckon we're saying the same thing. By calibrating fixtures we just make sure we include A and W when using the colour picker. Furthermore, since calibrating fixtures is long and tedious there must be a general calibration model to be applied to fixtures which haven't been calibrated yet to get a better approximation to the white point.
  • Correct... Or let the manufacturer make a mode with HSI!!!! As they know what type of leds they have in their fixture