Hi, everyone!
I have a trouble to written some fixtures library for chinese led wash on Hog 4. My question is: how can divided pan&tilt channel, if pan is a first channel , tilt is a second and pan 16 bit - is a 11 channel, tilt 16-bit is a 12 chanel in dmx chart... Have you any idea how it do? Besause I ve try 1/ 11 2/ 12 but system sad that is a false or sutdown...
thanks for all!
  • Hi speedlight
    You should be able to create your profile even if tilt and pan channels are spread apart.
    Open the fixture builder, set the patch point and the channels count in the edit window. Click on the Ok button in the bottom right corner. The fixture's spreadsheet with all its channels is populated with all unused channels.
    Select the first channel of your tilt parameter, press the set button and type in 1/11. Repeat the same process for the pan parameter. Once all your parameters are set click on the create button and you should be up and running. If you have an error message popping up you may want to go thru every and each parameter you created and make sure there are no DMX or real world value connected mistakes whatsoever.
    Most of the time if you have an error message popping up like the one you're seeing, is because there's a mistake somewhere.
    Hope this helps