4 problem on 2 shows on 2 hog 4pc


I'm working on a couple of shows at the moment and I'm running into a few problems programming.

1. Hog 4 pc crashes when i record a cue list onto fader 5
2. Hog 4 pc crashes occasionally when naming pallets or cue lists
3. Hog 4 pc crashes when updating cues in cue lists (about every 3rd update crashes)
4. still getting the another instance of "hog is running on the system" after every crash and have to stop all h4 processes running.

This is happening on 2 completely different machines running the absolute latest versions of the pc software. Also 2 completely diferent show files with different fixtures.

when this happens on either system dmx is still being outputted faders on both nano wing still perform as expected, but there are are no Hog 4 windows open on the PC. sounds like its a lingering issue to do with that driver problem that used to pop up when you closed a show?