HOG4PC Nano Mode and Multiple Monitors

Running HOG4PC (one release back from the current version) and when running in Nano mode we could not get multiple monitors to work well. We had to revert to regular mode (5 encoders) which was a bit of a drag because we are using the HOG3 programming wing and HOG3 playback wings.

Is there a trick to getting Nano mode to work well with multiple monitors. It seems like when you switch to Nano mode the main screen has some fixed layouts that could not be modified. It may be that we just couldn't figure out how to do what we wanted with the screen layouts. We could not get the playback and cue lists on the monitor we wanted.


Ephrata Performing Arts Center
  • Nano mode is designed to fit to the Nano Hog.

    What problems did you had exactly.
    Did you try to move the playbackbar to the second monitor?
  • Moving the playback bar was one issue. I need to check with the LD that did the show - I am sure there was more than one thing. It might have been that he just did not have enough time to investigate - it was our first time with 4.

    I originally configured it for Nano mode because I remembered reading a post a while ago that if you had HOG3 programming wing, using Nano mode was the best option because you would have 4 encoders instead of the 5 that you get with the better hardware.

    Running a HOG3 programming wing in 4 (not Nano Mode), there was no way for us to access the 5th wheel set without bringing up the UI console on the monitor and adjusting it there. Just made it awkward for those rare cases when you need to get to the fifth wheel set.

  • It is the best option if you have a large screen and also gives the best control for the encoders.
    With 2 smaller screens it might be a bit more work to get a good layout, but moving the playbackbar to the second monitor is one thing.
    It a bit like creating the old look with 2 12" touchscreen on an iPC

    The 5th wheel will never be controlable with a 4-wheel wing
  • Part of the problem with the Nano mode is that it should have split into 2 options. One of them would control the front panel's 5 to 4 encoder transition and the other to control the change in the Hog window behavior. If you use 2 external touch screens like I have for my Hog4PC backup you lose some of the window flexibility. It may be that the original designer of the Nano mode feature did not spend much time with a dual external monitor setup. It is (almost) safe to assume that as some point of expansion somebody would move to one of the consoles.

    See the following thread for further explanation. forums.highend.com/showthread.php?t=13794

    Kevin Montagne
  • Thanks Kevin - the other thread pretty much sums up our experience too. We run with multiple 17" monitors that are all fine and don't need to be replaced. Getting a newer, wide screen monitor might help but for now, we are running in normal mode and just using the console soft programming wing when we need the 5th wheel set. It would be great if they added some more options.

  • Ross, you might also work around this when you create user-kinds. So you can make your own wheelsets where you need to control of the 5th wheel.

    Nano layout is basically the layout from the Roadhog and designed to work with the Nano and a single monitor like laptops or typical all-in-one PC
    Thats also why the external monitor layout is like on Roadhog.

    At the moment coding-time is more used for new programming-features so I guess we wont see any changes for HOG PC layouts
  • I for one would like the option to have dual monitors and a four encoder mode as separate options. Maybe called nano wing for the 4 encoder mode and nano monitor for the single monitor mode.