Wireless Network ? H4

If anyone would be kind enough to help here I have car shows coming up
and I was thinking lugging my H4 around over carpet/Ramps and more would be a large pain.
So I was thinking of a wireless network H4 + Switch + Ausu Laptop running
Light Converse + long range wireless router = Ausu tablet running H4PC
Could this be done and if so could you explain HOW


  • Hi Robin,

    It's very easy to set up a hog network as long as you make sure that all your components are in the same range.
    for example:

    HOG4 ->
    HOG4PC ->
    router ->

    When you have done this, run the show on your HOG4.
    Then start your HOG4PC and use the same netnumber and portnumber as on your HOG4.
    Now you are able to log into the show on the HOG4.

    When you do some programming on your HOG4PC in will also be on your HOG4 console.

    hope this helps,

  • But be careful when you also run server on the Laptop.
    Especially when using the same netnumber, this means full-tracking-backup.
    The playback and programming-state would be exactly the same, and when you loose the wifi-connection you will also loose the secondary show-server running on your laptop

    If it is for focusing only I would turn off the server and use a different net-number.
    You can still recall all lights, programm palettes, cues and so on. But the Laptop would be independent from the state of your Hog 4. So you could also fire different cues there maybe for rehearsals in one area and with your remote you can focus anonther one
  • Well it's still not working, I am using a mac airport and followed the directions ?
    Maybe I am not getting it 1 can this be done with 1 wireless router ?
    I put in the IP addresses but I keep getting this router has NO DNS Servers ? there was no mention of that!
    Anyway Marc this is for some LARGE car show's SEMA is one of them and my plan was to update the focuses I have made in Light Converse and leave the H4 in the Dimmer room and go around with an AUSU tablet.
    Can you tell me how this should be set up, this would be far better than dragging around
    the H4 and yelling at 4 boom lifts .
    So and you have been most helpful in the past Please tell me what I need to buy and can you please tell me how to set it up to be bomb proof.
    Thank you so much >>>>>Robin
  • Hey Robin,

    if you are not so familiar with IP Settings and configs the best way to do it is this on:

    * In the HOG4 go to the control panel and turn on DHCP Server, this will give your Laptop and Airport automatically an IP adress
    * In the Airport go to the tab INTERNET and select DHCP as your connection and in the tab NETWORK choose OFF (bridge-mode)
    * Configure your laptop wifi-connection to receive an IP adress automatically.
    * Restart the whole system and load your show in your HOG4, beginning with the Airport.

    After done so, your Laptop and Airport should get an IP Adress from the DHCP Server running on your HOG4 and you should be able to connect to the show.
    I would suggest to set your HOGPC to a different net-number than your HOG4 and turn off the server


  • Mark thanks for the help got them seeing each other now but one thing how do you recommend updating focuses the laptop and the console don't mirror each other just the handle's
  • If you want to have the exact layout like on your console use:

    * same netnumber on HOGPC without running the server

    You can also use a different net number without running the server, then this will give you the possibility to have some cues running on your console, like work light, already focused areas or what ever and work with you laptop on another page where you can store dummy cues for focusing or whatever. All created palettes will be available on all connected consoles/hog pcs. As well as cuelists are, you only need to assign them the way you like, if you stored them on a different page.
    I always work with 2 different net numbers, then the dimmerguy can also check stuff at the console without kicking me out all the time, cause when you use the same net number all playback status is mirrored and so on
    Hope this helps.
  • Thank's once more is there is there any way to mirror the Console and the laptop so whatever I grab on the laptop records on the console ?

  • It will be recorded in both ways on the console
    But if you would like a real mirror incl. pagestatus, programmerstatus, recalled views then use the same netnumber