SS 575 Initialization problems

SS 575... When I turn it on, it does the LWR on the panel, does the self diagnostic stuff, but then when it comes time to home the fixture, it resets, and starts the boot process again...

Has anyone seen this before, and is it an easy fix?
  • Is that also when it tries to strike? Not on a SS, but I had a different HES fixture last year that was acting similarly - bad power cable orfuseholder (I don't recall specifically which) but wnen it tried to strike, the voltage would drop and it would reboot.

    Also, if SS runs the same power supply as StudioColor, a bad low voltage supply could do thisif the motors draw pulls it down.

    In either case, I'd start by metering the low voltage supply, and work out from there.

    - Tim

    - Tim
  • it doesn't make it that far in the initialization process... the display shows LWR, then when the display switches to HOME, the fixture resets.
  • Thats consistent with the second idea I proposed - that the power supply may be weak. When home begins, pretty much every motor in the fixture runs, and will put a heavy load on it. Again, if the voltage sags, the processor resets . . . So again, I suggest metering the supply when this happens.

    - Tim
  • Ok... I'll put a known good PS on it and report back tomorrow
  • three power supplies, same threwoe tests, same result.
    test 1... power up. all three power supplies reset when the motors hit.

    test 2... unhook VGA cable and Printer cable for top motors. All three power supplies would then home the pan/tilt.

    i have a pan or tilt motor issue with this fixture.

    thanks for the tips!
  • oh.. one more test.. .disconnected the tilt motor, did the test... It went all the way through the homing process, then when it went to swing the pan motor to the home position, the brain reset itself, and did the homing process again.
    so, I swapped tilt motors, turned it on, and it went back to it's old tricks.

    so I disconnected the pan motor, and did the same test... it went thiugh the process, but, not after not finding the pan motor, it reset itself a minute after the homing process.

    screw it- I'm putting that brain into a different fixture :)
  • [QUOTE=Tumbleweed;67175]three power supplies, same threwoe tests, same result.
    test 1... power up. all three power supplies reset when the motors hit.

    test 2... unhook VGA cable and Printer cable for top motors. All three power supplies would then home the pan/tilt.

    i have a pan or tilt motor issue with this fixture.

    thanks for the tips!

    VGA Cable? Printer Cable? WTF?

    Is this a SS575 or ? ? ?

    Or do you simply mean the DB25 connector in the head . . .

    It's possible that something is shorted and pulling down the supply - you might want to try pulling driver chips one at a time and see if you can find a motor that causes it to fail . . .

    And I don't agree that the issue is pan/tilt . . . If it works *WITH* pan/tilt only, that pretty much says that pan/tilt *WORK*, and the problem is in the head, at least if it is a bad motor.

    That, or you might have a bad connector or break in the wires from the supply to the logic card, again causing a voltage loss. Have you actually pulled out a volt meter to see what the main PCB is getting from the power supply?

    - Tim

    - Tim