led color

is possible let led to match color picker and gel list ?:)
  • Color calibration needs to be per Fixture type. And with 1000000 of different LED fixtures it is not possible to do this for all.
    Also if you have bought the same type of fixture 5 years ago they will look different due to the different batch of LED.
  • in moving light is match CMY..
    so I think with RGB maybe is work...
    it don't need to match per fixtures.
    just need to work with RGB ...
  • How do you create your colors?
    With Intensity for RGB or with Colorvalues?
    Cause it works also when I use normal RGB-LED from the lib.
  • I create led by cmy c=r m=g y=b
    because I hope can use default effect engine. and I can use playback fader control
    I just hope we can use color picker for all color system
    if I touch R and the fixture will appear R ..
  • I cant see any problem with the color picker and RGB fixtures....
    Did you create a custom fixture?
    The console uses anyway for colormixing CMY and HS....
    All translations are done in the library-file of the fixture

    If you have a generic RGB LED Fixture (3 ch.) you can find it in the Generic tab of the library.
    When creating own fixtures the RGB channels must be done like this:

    R will be C with a range from 255>0 (inverted) real world: 0>100%
    G will be M with a range from 255>0 (inverted) real world: 0>100%
    B will be Y with a range from 255>0 (inverted) real world: 0>100%

    Maybe thats the problem, that you didnt invert the DMX range
  • that is my queition..

    I hope we can use correct word to control led par not r=c g=m b=y
    I hope we can see the R G B in fixture builder and when I control led par I can find the wheel it's name is R and the color will be red...
    I know we can control led color by CMY..but if we use color picker to build a blue...
    for cmy is blue but for led rgb system will be wrong color...
    maybe my english is no good..
    hope you can understand what I mean:)

    thanks for your reply
  • One big advantage of HOG OS is that you dont need to care of what kind of color-system your fixture. HOG OS will translate it. Realwordparameters.
    So no matter if you are using RGB, HS, CMY the colors will be correct
    I think you did not do the inversion of your RGB channels thats why you dont get the right color.

    R (going from DMX 0 to 255) = C inverted (going from DMX 255 to 0)
    G (going from DMX 0 to 255) = M inverted (going from DMX 255 to 0)
    B (going from DMX 0 to 255) = Y inverted (going from DMX 255 to 0)

    What type of fixture are you trying to control?

    Maybe the attached screenshot explains it better
    An easy RGB Fixture with dimmer channel
    Ch1 = R
    Ch2 = G
    Ch3 = B
    Ch4 = Dimmer
  • hi Mark
    thanks for your reply..
    I think you don't complete understand my problem...
    I can control led ..and I know how to build fix lid...
    I understand what are you try to talk to me about the we can control color system in CMY and RGB..
    my point is about color picker ...
    when we use color picker .if you want a blue color.you just touch blue area..and the stage will appear a blue scene..in CMY system is work.but for led RGB system in not complete work.because when you touch blue area and led will give you R color ..
    .C=R M=G Y=B..
    if you touch yellow area and led will appear blue color...
    I just hope hog os system can fix this problem..
    let color picker complete support RGB system
    hope you can understand my request...
    anyways thanks for your patience
  • I understand everthing you are saying
    But it is working like you want it.
    I actually do preprogramming for a show with a 32x8 RGB Pixel Matrix.
    Patched 512 RGB LED from the Generic.
    Color picker works like it should
    You have to invert the DMX Range of C M Y when building a custom fixture
    if you have a CMY fixture the range is 0>255 when you have a RGB fixture it is 255>0
    Here a link to some pictures:
  • hi marc
    sorry ..
    I understand now...because I don't invert dmx 255>0..
    SORRY and thank for your papience and help..
    I just build a new lid and follow your picture...
    it is work...thanks

    but I still hope someday we can use correct word for led not

    anyways thanks for your kindly help ...
    I got a great lesson :)