Executors via Midi

I'm just thinking about a solution to fake some executor buttons...

Is it possible to connect this midi-controller -> www.amazon.de/Novation-LAUNCHPAD-Launchpad/dp/B002TX7B4E/ref=sr_1_20?ie=UTF8&qid=1357394683&sr=8-20

for using it as a executor button wing???

if yes, how do i have to set up the console to work with?

Cheers Stefan
  • Hi Swolf,

    There are different ways to accomplish that.

    The easiest way will be to map MIDI-notes to Comment Macros.
    i.e. Note 1 = GL12
    Note 2 = GS2
    Note 3 = RL12

    In Section 18.2.6 you find a detailed description how to set up the console.
    Just assign the specific MIDI notes to the buttons on your launchpad. This should be possible, because due to the manual, any MIDI parameter can be assigned to the buttons of the launchpad.

    Cheers Mayli
  • Stefan,
    That will work IF you are using HPC. I use a launchpad as a "poor man's programming wing." My understanding is that the launch pad requires software to tell which buttons to execute which notes. On an actual console, there is no way of doing so.
  • [QUOTE=Andrew Loftus;64623]Stefan,
    That will work IF you are using HPC. I use a launchpad as a "poor man's programming wing." My understanding is that the launch pad requires software to tell which buttons to execute which notes. On an actual console, there is no way of doing so.

    On a real console you have to do it the way Michael Mayler explained. A bit more intensive setup, but still possible.
    I dont know if the Novation Launchpad is capable of sending OSC commands, if so you might send OSC commands for the corresponding Flash, Go, Pause etc...


    Just checked the Launchpad Tutorials, it only can do MIDI, so no OSC.
    There are Mapping Tools avialable, but you need to check if this will work in a HOGPC-Situation.
    With TouchOSC you can build your own set and use it with an iPad
  • I have just recently finished a bunch of "Fly In" shows where we had locally supplied rigs and desks, due to me not trusting local suppliers to supply a 100% working wing I looked in to creating an executor wing using an iPad and the Lemur OSC app.

    The good thing with the Lemur is that you can send multiple MIDI and OSC commands with each button press, also you can set different triggers when using a switch on both the on & off states, this was great for having one button send a go and release MA style.

    I know it's not the same as having a physical button and the app was about $40 but it made my life a lot easier, also by using a "Missing Link" OSC to midi converter I can use the same setup for both the Hog 3&4.

    Just a thought

  • thanx for your replies.
    i will test your solutions after my upcoming tour.