HELP.....Elation Profile

I have an old HOG 1000, (strike 1) I am new to lighting and programming, (strike 2) I have no idea how to build a fixture profile, (strike3) and I desperately need a fixture profile for an Elation Platinum 5r spot Pro.......please does anyone have one that is compatible with my HOG 1000, and is willing to share or share with a cost? This means money to you folks, if you can provide me with a working profile......:hogsign::sad:

  • Get thee the Hog-2 manual, and read the section on creating profiles - much better than what is in the 1000 manual, and since they run the same software, dead on correct.

    And absolutely nothing wrong with the 1000 . . . if you also have older fixtures, the Hog-2 family is still a rock solid console that will do anything you need (except bleed you dry of $$$).

    Having said that, I have written numerous profiles, but I don't do Elation . . . . so can't help much there with anything "good to go" . . .

    - Tim
  • No problem! Hopefully that will help - it's pretty detailed, along with the few other things you need to tweak to add a profile. Dennis Hessbergers Hog-2 library generator is also out there, but myself, I find a text editor serves me just as well, but if you at least understand what is going on in the lib entry, you can start with the tool and hand tweak if needed. Just hope that your fixture does not have reversed MSB/LSB on things like pan/tilt - Hog-2 can't accomodate that at all, and some of the cheezy Chinese fixtures have made that mistake in their DMX setup.

    - Tim
  • I have an Elation file for you. Has not been tested but should work.


    fixture = Spot 5R pro
    manufacturer = 199
    product = 1
    name = Plat spot 5r pro St
    yoke = yes

    output = dmx

    parameter = Pan
    default = 32768
    highlight = 65535
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp16bit
    range = 0, 65535, %

    parameter = Tilt
    default = 32768
    highlight = 65535
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp16bit
    range = 0, 65535, %

    parameter = color
    kind = c
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 255, 195, <
    range = 190, stop, noauto
    range = 128, 189, >>, noauto
    range = o, 13, Open, noauto
    range = 14, 27, Color 1, noauto
    range = 28, 41, Color 2, noauto
    range = 42, 55, Color 3, noauto
    range = 56, 69, Color 4, noauto
    range = 70, 83, Color 5, noauto
    range = 84, 97, UV, noauto
    range = 98, 111, CTB, noauto
    range = 112, 127, CTO, noauto

    parameter = Cyan
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %

    parameter = Magenta
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %

    parameter = Yellow
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %

    parameter = Gobo 1
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltb8bit
    range = 210, 255, gob rot, noauto
    range = 195, 209, shake 8, noauto
    range = 180, 194, shake 7, noauto
    range = 165, 179, shake 6, noauto
    range = 150, 164, shake 5, noauto
    range = 135, 149, shake 4, noauto
    range = 120, 134, shake 3, noauto
    range = 105, 119, shake 2, noauto
    range = 90, 104, shake 1, noauto
    range = 0, open, noauto
    range = 10, 19, gobo 1, centre
    range = 20, 29, gobo 2, centre
    range = 30, 39, gobo 3, centre
    range = 40, 49, gobo 4, centre
    range = 50, 59, gobo 5, centre
    range = 60, 69, gobo 6, centre
    range = 70, 79, gobo 7, centre
    range = 80, 89, gobo 8, centre

    parameter = gobo rot.
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 127, index, noauto
    range = 128, 189, <
    range = 190, 193, STOP, noauto
    range = 194, 255, >>, noauto

    parameter = Gobo 2
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltb8bit
    range = 218, 255, gobo rot, noauto
    range = 211, 217, shake 14, noauto
    range = 204, 210, shake 13, noauto
    range = 197, 203, shake 12, noauto
    range = 190, 196, shake 11, noauto
    range = 183, 189, shake 10, noauto
    range = 176, 182, shake 9, noauto
    range = 169, 175, shake 8, noauto
    range = 162, 168, shake 7, noauto
    range = 155, 161, shake 6, noauto
    range = 148, 154, shake 5, noauto
    range = 141, 147, shake 4, noauto
    range = 134, 140, shake 3, noauto
    range = 127, 133, shake 2, noauto
    range = 120, 126, shake 1, noauto
    range = 0, open, noauto
    range = 8, 15, gobo 1, centre
    range = 16, 23, gobo 2, centre
    range = 24, 31, gobo 3, centre
    range = 32, 39, gobo 4, centre
    range = 40, 47, gobo 5, centre
    range = 48, 55, gobo 6, centre
    range = 56, 63, gobo 7, centre
    range = 64, 71, gobo 8, centre
    range = 72, 79, gobo 9, centre
    range = 80, 87, gobo 10, centre
    range = 88, 95, gobo 11, centre
    range = 96, 103, gobo 12, centre
    range = 104, 111, gobo 13, centre
    range = 112, 119, gobo 14, centre

    parameter = prism
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltb8bit
    range = 0, open, noauto
    range = 32, 127, prism, noauto

    parameter = prism rot
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltb8bit
    range = 0, 127, index, noauto
    range = 128, 189, <
    range = 190, 193, STOP, noauto
    range = 194, 255, >>, noauto

    parameter = Focus
    default = 128
    highlight = 128
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %

    parameter = Zoom
    default = 128
    highlight = 128
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %

    parameter = Strobe
    default = 32
    highlight = 32
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 31, closed, noauto
    range = 32, open, noauto
    range = 64, 95,
    range = 96, open, noauto
    range = 128, 159, pulse, noauto
    range = 169, open, noauto
    range = 192, 223,
    range = 224, open, noauto

    parameter = Intensity
    default = 0
    highlight = 255
    crossfade = 0
    type = htp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %

    parameter = iris
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 191, %, noauto
    range = 192, 223, >pulse, noauto
    range = 224, 255,

    parameter = frost
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 191, %, noauto
    range = 192, 223, >open, noauto
    range = 224, 254,
    range = 255, full, noauto

    parameter = color speed
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %, noauto

    parameter = p/t speed
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade =0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %, noauto

    parameter = color mac
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, off, noauto
    range = 8, 247, macros, noauto
    range = 248, 255, rnd CMY, noauto

    parameter = control
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade= o
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, normal, noauto
    range = 20, color anypos, noauto
    range = 30, c/g anypos, noauto
    range = 40, LAMP ON, noauto
    range = 60, LAMP OFF, noauto
    range = 80, motor res, noauto
    range = 85, scan res, noauto
    range = 88, color res, noauto
    range = 91, gobo res, noauto
    range = 94, shutter res, noauto
    range = 97, other res, noauto
    range = 100, 239, program, noauto
    range = 240, 255, music, noauto
  • looks not bad

    until colour open
    looks like o (letter) -> 0 (number)

    thumbs up

    [QUOTE=WHSLS;63362]I have an Elation file for you. Has not been tested but should work.


    fixture = Spot 5R pro
    manufacturer = 199
    product = 1
    name = Plat spot 5r pro St
    yoke = yes

    output = dmx

    parameter = Pan
    default = 32768
    highlight = 65535
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp16bit
    range = 0, 65535, %

    parameter = Tilt
    default = 32768
    highlight = 65535
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp16bit
    range = 0, 65535, %

    parameter = color
    kind = c
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 255, 195, <
    range = 190, stop, noauto
    range = 128, 189, >>, noauto
    range = o, 13, Open, noauto
    range = 14, 27, Color 1, noauto
    range = 28, 41, Color 2, noauto
    range = 42, 55, Color 3, noauto
    range = 56, 69, Color 4, noauto
    range = 70, 83, Color 5, noauto
    range = 84, 97, UV, noauto
    range = 98, 111, CTB, noauto
    range = 112, 127, CTO, noauto

    parameter = Cyan
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %

    parameter = Magenta
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %

    parameter = Yellow
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %

    parameter = Gobo 1
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltb8bit
    range = 210, 255, gob rot, noauto
    range = 195, 209, shake 8, noauto
    range = 180, 194, shake 7, noauto
    range = 165, 179, shake 6, noauto
    range = 150, 164, shake 5, noauto
    range = 135, 149, shake 4, noauto
    range = 120, 134, shake 3, noauto
    range = 105, 119, shake 2, noauto
    range = 90, 104, shake 1, noauto
    range = 0, open, noauto
    range = 10, 19, gobo 1, centre
    range = 20, 29, gobo 2, centre
    range = 30, 39, gobo 3, centre
    range = 40, 49, gobo 4, centre
    range = 50, 59, gobo 5, centre
    range = 60, 69, gobo 6, centre
    range = 70, 79, gobo 7, centre
    range = 80, 89, gobo 8, centre

    parameter = gobo rot.
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 127, index, noauto
    range = 128, 189, <
    range = 190, 193, STOP, noauto
    range = 194, 255, >>, noauto

    parameter = Gobo 2
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltb8bit
    range = 218, 255, gobo rot, noauto
    range = 211, 217, shake 14, noauto
    range = 204, 210, shake 13, noauto
    range = 197, 203, shake 12, noauto
    range = 190, 196, shake 11, noauto
    range = 183, 189, shake 10, noauto
    range = 176, 182, shake 9, noauto
    range = 169, 175, shake 8, noauto
    range = 162, 168, shake 7, noauto
    range = 155, 161, shake 6, noauto
    range = 148, 154, shake 5, noauto
    range = 141, 147, shake 4, noauto
    range = 134, 140, shake 3, noauto
    range = 127, 133, shake 2, noauto
    range = 120, 126, shake 1, noauto
    range = 0, open, noauto
    range = 8, 15, gobo 1, centre
    range = 16, 23, gobo 2, centre
    range = 24, 31, gobo 3, centre
    range = 32, 39, gobo 4, centre
    range = 40, 47, gobo 5, centre
    range = 48, 55, gobo 6, centre
    range = 56, 63, gobo 7, centre
    range = 64, 71, gobo 8, centre
    range = 72, 79, gobo 9, centre
    range = 80, 87, gobo 10, centre
    range = 88, 95, gobo 11, centre
    range = 96, 103, gobo 12, centre
    range = 104, 111, gobo 13, centre
    range = 112, 119, gobo 14, centre

    parameter = prism
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltb8bit
    range = 0, open, noauto
    range = 32, 127, prism, noauto

    parameter = prism rot
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltb8bit
    range = 0, 127, index, noauto
    range = 128, 189, <
    range = 190, 193, STOP, noauto
    range = 194, 255, >>, noauto

    parameter = Focus
    default = 128
    highlight = 128
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %

    parameter = Zoom
    default = 128
    highlight = 128
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %

    parameter = Strobe
    default = 32
    highlight = 32
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 31, closed, noauto
    range = 32, open, noauto
    range = 64, 95,
    range = 96, open, noauto
    range = 128, 159, pulse, noauto
    range = 169, open, noauto
    range = 192, 223,
    range = 224, open, noauto

    parameter = Intensity
    default = 0
    highlight = 255
    crossfade = 0
    type = htp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %

    parameter = iris
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 191, %, noauto
    range = 192, 223, >pulse, noauto
    range = 224, 255,

    parameter = frost
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 191, %, noauto
    range = 192, 223, >open, noauto
    range = 224, 254,
    range = 255, full, noauto

    parameter = color speed
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %, noauto

    parameter = p/t speed
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade =0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %, noauto

    parameter = color mac
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade = 0
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, off, noauto
    range = 8, 247, macros, noauto
    range = 248, 255, rnd CMY, noauto

    parameter = control
    default = 0
    highlight = 0
    crossfade= o
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, normal, noauto
    range = 20, color anypos, noauto
    range = 30, c/g anypos, noauto
    range = 40, LAMP ON, noauto
    range = 60, LAMP OFF, noauto
    range = 80, motor res, noauto
    range = 85, scan res, noauto
    range = 88, color res, noauto
    range = 91, gobo res, noauto
    range = 94, shutter res, noauto
    range = 97, other res, noauto
    range = 100, 239, program, noauto
    range = 240, 255, music, noauto
  • I have a show is less than 15 Hr and I need the Elation Platinum Spot 5R library emailed to me ready to load in to a Hog 2. I tried building one but have yet to see it work properly.