LEDs fade intensity to white then change color


New hog III user here, running through the manual and trying to build my first show. I'm wondering if somebody can help me with a problem I'm having with LED wash lights.

I'm trying to create a simple set of color cues @ 100% intensity with a 2s linear fade. I've managed to write them in CMY so they fade nicely with no ugly white transitions between them, however when I activate or release the cue they first turn white before fading on or off.

Ideally what I'm hoping to do is have one cue for colors, the next cue for intensity effects on these lights. Is there a better way to set this up? How do I get rid of this white intensity fade?

Thank you for any assistance!
  • This is because of the way the HOG handles LED-Fixtures. There are some other threads about this. You can try changing the fadetime of The intensity to 0 sec
  • I did a search and only found a couple - if there are any notable threads regarding this issue that you could point me to that would be fantastic.

    In the meantime I've separated color and have combined intensity and effects as one cue - it's working well enough now that they're separated (as long as I don't accidentally release color).
  • Since I'm here asking newbie questions, maybe somebody can help me with more questions.

    I come from a background of using Ableton as a lighting console via ENTTEC DMXIS as a VST plugin (I don't use Ableton for music at all, strictly lights). One feature of this is I can literally tap in the BPM of a band's music in Ableton and all my effect waveforms automatically stretch or compress, falling into perfect time. Is there some way to approximate this sort of behavior in Hog? I'm a big fan of running tight patterns based on beats - how would you approach this if you were trying to set up Hog as a busking console? Can you get so precise that all your effect changes happen perfectly on beat without knowing the BPM you're going to be working with beforehand? Is there a quick way to change your global effect BPM on the fly, or something similar? Maybe trick the software into speeding up or slowing down it's idea of what 120 BPM means (which is basically what I've been doing in Ableton) - then subdivide to 60/30 for halves/quarters, etc.?

    I hope this makes sense! Trying to wrap my head around how to actually use Hog for my purposes. I'm on my 3rd 14-hour day... :)
  • You can quickly adjust the speed of FX in cues or chases by holding down the Choose key above the Master and using the encoders (or the sprung Rate-Wheel on full Hog-3 only).

    For BPM matching on chases, you can hold down Choose and tap the GO (Play) key to the desired rate......the Hog term for this is "Tap Sync".

    Hope this helps. :)
  • [QUOTE=Marty Postma;59713]You can quickly adjust the speed of FX in cues or chases by holding down the Choose key above the Master and using the encoders (or the sprung Rate-Wheel on full Hog-3 only).

    For BPM matching on chases, you can hold down Choose and tap the GO (Play) key to the desired rate......the Hog term for this is "Tap Sync".

    Hope this helps. :)

    YES! Thank you!!!

    Any way to tap sync on Hog PC? It just seems to want to hold both keys when I hold the shift button :dunce:
  • [QUOTE=FutureWeapons;59716]Any way to tap sync on Hog PC? It just seems to want to hold both keys when I hold the shift button :dunce:

    hmmmmm :33: never had to do this without playback hardware myself.

    Try setting your PC keyboard to MAP mode (by pressing Pause/Break).
    Then Click and hold your desired Choose key.
    Then press TAB + (1-0) for the GO on the desired Master (ie - TAB+5 would be GO on Master 5)

    Hope this helps. :)
  • I wish I had playback hardware - I do at a club I work at, but not here at home (until I decide which console to purchase)

    Maybe you would have a trick to make this work? In another thread discussing virtual cuelists -

    "if you don't have a physical master use virtual lists instead. you may want to create lists with only one cue each. Open the list options and go to the properties pane and set the action at the end of list as Add release end cue. This way the first touch triggers the cuelist and the second one releases it. It's a very nice toggle feature. Adjust your realease and assert time as you want them to be. Remember to turn the guard soft button off, otherwise you will not be able to trigger your lists via touchscreen. if you click on one list cell and hold it down you're basically able to adjust the effect rate the same way you do by holding down the choose button for a physical master. Another interesting trick is that you can release virtual cuelists without necessarely realeasing cuelists attached to physical master. Hold down the list button and the release button straight after to get rid of only virtual cuelists. Hope this helps" - forums.highend.com/showthread.php?t=7853

    Virtual cuelists seem to be an awesome way to adding various effects (like quick strobes on my LED bars, etc. without "wasting" an entire fader) Is there some way to hold down a cuelist and turn a virtual nob at the same time, without hardware? The shift key isn't doing it.
  • going back to your problem with those led washes.. theres a club my band plays at from time to time and they have Chauvet LED Rain 64's all around the stage and they do the same thing.. normally what i do for the simple color cues (for example: ALL Yellow, ALL Blue, Yellow Red, Pink Blue, etc.) is i set the intensity fade time for 2 seconds but the fade time for the CMY is 0 sec.. that way when it fades in the colors are ready to go, just gotta wait for whatever i have the intensity time set at.. now as for the release well they still turn white but its not that bright so it doesnt bug me that much..