(3.2.2)Bug Report: FullBoar midi-notes wrong count

Name: Peer
Date: 2011-11-15
Software Version and build number: 1.8.1 / 3.2.2
Number of displays: 2int + 1ext
Connected USB Devices: keyboard + touchscreen
Networked Devices: none

Detailed description of the problem including instructions to reproduce (if possible) and exact syntax used:

Today I was trying to set-up midi with a keyboard-player to start my que's through his keyboard. We did it completely like the WH-GM-Midi-Imp.pdf
Everything works fine BUT:

* if I select a midi-ch > "desk-playbackbar" all midi-notes are off by 24-notes, so if:
M8 'go' is "note 5" (= F0 on keyboard), but should be "note 29" according to midi-manual

* midi-ch's pull down > macro's: macro's won't work, maybe I'll have to add 24 notes in the list?

To me it looks like the midi-receiver in the desk is not starting at the same 'note 0' as the keyboard does.
Is there a way to see / adjust this?


List any errors reported by the software: none