Cue Only

I would really love to have the "Cue Only " option for each cue and not by cuelist.

  • I would like to have it in the desk settings so we could literally turn tracking off globally. I do a lot of TV work and very few people here use Tracking.

  • [QUOTE=stephlight;54416]I would really love to have the "Cue Only " option for each cue and not by cuelist.


    Though, I must say I understand why there isn"t such feature. This kind of option can pretty easily create an awful mess...
  • [QUOTE=stephlight;54416]I would really love to have the "Cue Only " option for each cue and not by cuelist.

    This exists....just turn off "Forward" from the bottom right toolbar when recording or merging.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • [QUOTE=srautane;54421]Though, I must say I understand why there isn"t such feature. This kind of option can pretty easily create an awful mess...

    +1 I agree completely.

    If you really need it that badly on many cuelists simply turn on Cue Only under Cuelist Options defaults in Preferences, and then all new Lists created after will have the option turned on already.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • Ahh ok thanks Marty... My time spent on other desks shows ;-)

  • [QUOTE=Marty Postma;54425]This exists....just turn off "Forward" from the bottom right toolbar when recording or merging.

    Hope this helps. :)

    This is a solution until something better, but that's not what I need.

  • [QUOTE=stephlight;54432]This is a solution until something better, but that's not what I need.

    Don't forget that you can also make "Default Track Forwards to off" under user prefs.

    You had said "Cue Only" option for each cue....and as far as I can see this accomplishes exactly this, but if this is not what you are looking for then perhaps a better explanation is needed?

    Hope this helps. :)
  • [QUOTE=srautane;54446]I think he is looking for a preset style cuelist.

    I understand.

    If you want the whole Cuelist to be "Cue Only", then use the "Cue Only" option for the List.

    If you want only 1 cue or a series of cues within a larger list to be "Cue Only"....turn off tracking by using the "Forward" button, or the option in user prefs.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • Some time I need to add a chase or effect or acue or....... playing from an other cuelist and I don't want all parameters from previous cues in "master cuelist", but I need tracking before and after that cue. (I can't use priority, or I have to redo all the song)

    An other way would be to add a priority level by parameter and by cue like fade and delay (asked long time ago), but I don't have news about it.

    With this option I could also pepare lot of chases, effects, scenes with all fixtures, and use only those I need easily by blocking other in the "master cuelist".

    hope this is more clear.
  • First I suggest that everyone reads the ETC whitepaper about tracking and preset consoles and watch this video

    Like I said it is pretty hard to make tracking console to work like a preset console, cause every cue in tracking console is a sum of the data of the cue + the data from previous cues (state),
    I'm not saying what Steph is looking for isn't possible.
    When we have Cue Only in list activated, it means that the values not in the next cue are released.
    If we have Cue Only option in a cue like Steph is asking, it raises some questions.
    I think Steph wants to have a simple preset inserted in a list between cues. So it contains no data from previous cues and doesn't cause any tracking to following cues.
    This means different values from previous cue has to be released/the state isn't calculated and the values of the "Cue Only" cue has to be released/are not calclated in the next cue

    Are we looking here a skip tracking option? -> the cue has no data from previous cues and causes no tracking to following.
    What happens when option is turned off. What happens to the following cues?(I think this is the point where strange things will happen)
    We must remember that if we have for example three cues the third cue has information from the first and the second.
    Also the data is not the only problem, cause we have to think also how the fades would work.
    Will the fades from previous cues continue in this "Cue Only" cue?

    Turning forward off does not make a tracking console work like a non-tracking preset console.
    It works only when editing and what it actually does it records values to next cue so that it looks like values are not tracked. Those values are recorded data and can affect how things look in various situations. In a preset console the forward off happens just because there's no data in the next cue.
    Also, it doesn't remove the fact that the last cue is a sum of recorded data and the data from previous cues (state).
    In a preset console the cues contain only the recorded data. So when you record the last cue in the list, it looks just as the data you recorded. It gets nothing from previous cues.
    In Hog3 the Cue Only list option simulates this by releasing the values that would track to next cue.
    ... what I'm trying to say is that we should not mix things here.
    The Cue Only option is to make a list to work as a list in a preset console, but forward off (cue only recording) is just a way of editing cues.

    This talking about Cue Only and tracking makes me also wonder when we will have a possibility to record off values? When it gets fully implemented?

    Sorry my bad English... but I really hope you understood at least a bit what I'm trying to say.
  • What I want to, is to increase or decrease the priority of certain parameters in a cue.

    I see two ways to do that :
    - 1) Temporarily activate the "Cue only" option for one or more cue(s). "Skip tracking option during a cue" seems a good definition. I would say that it is an efficient and fast but not very elegant and greatly diminishes the possibilities offered by the second solution.

    - 2) Giving a priority level to all parameters in every cues, like we give a fade times or a delay times. This would be slower but much more powerful than the first solution.

    Hope that it is more clear.