ICBM Pan/Tilt faders

ICBM Pan/Tilt faders -

I had this working at one time, and have since lost the cuelist and I can't seem to get it to work again.

Here's what I'm trying to do:
I have various position cuelists (like 3piece band a, 3piece band b, etc) that move my 250s to a static location.

I would like to have a fader that can ADD pan (and another separate tilt fader) to the looks on stage. I would like the pan motion to be continuos and I would like it to increase in size/intensity as the fader is brought up, and return to the cuelist position when the fader is brought back down to zero.

I used to have a similar fader that would add a circle to the look, and increase in speed/intensity/size as I pushed my fader up and down.

Thanks again,
