3.1.7(2826) -Console crashes completely

Hi there. have discovered a really nasty bug/crash.

-H3 with one dp2000+ one miniwing.

-During backup of showfile console came up with a warning that "folder xxxx xxxx something") backup stopped. tried again -same thing. tried backing up straight to zip.-same thing + pluss both screens went black, everything was frosen. Was able to do pig+open+backspace once. window reported all processes as not responding.
Tried restarting of console. -Then the console could not "find" the showfile when i tried to laounch exsisting showfile button. It ame up with an error of something with folder something... had to go through browse for show to open it..

-Here's the interresting part. Now whenever i press setup "show" window has been opened.
it dos not mather if i do something. only opening the show window will crash the console completely. both screens go black. I can do pig+open+bcsp. window reports all prosesses as not responding.
100% repeatable. Is not show dependent. I can create a new show, and same thing happens.

-So i'm guessing that a timer or some code with a timeout of 60 sec is the culprint.

-so as of now, I have a half crashed console without any means to get the show out of the console.