bug report: can't move objects.......

Name: Marco Belloni
Date: 6/29/10
Software Version and build number:Hog 3 3.1.6 (b2773)
Number of displays: (2) Touch Screens
Connected USB Devices: None
Networked Devices: (1) Hog Ipc
Detailed description of the problem including instructions to reproduce (if possible) and exact syntax used:

Sometime I cannot move objects on the touch screens.
If you touch list 17 followed by move to 16 sometimes it doesn't do absolutely anything at all. The command line doesn't turn blue at all. I've seen it happen particularly with the list directory and the scene directory, not with groups colours etc yet, both moving single and multiple objects at the time. It's not a consistent behaviour and still trying to find a reliable repro.
Anyone else seeing this?